WWMT 1.944 Released

Started by wallworm, June 26, 2013, 05:55:16 PM

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Version 1.944 released on 6-26-2013

◦ VMF Importer: Added option to save imported material library.
◦ VMF Importer: A few optimizations.
◦ Wall Worm Config: Fixed general bug with a new setting.

There was a nasty bug in the 1.943 release where you'd get an error opening any WW function. To fix that, you can download the latest version of WW. Or also open a new MAXScript file and run this code:

global wwmt_vmf_output_separator_esc = false
setINISetting wallworm_userIni "Settings" "wwmt_vmf_output_separator_esc" (wwmt_vmf_output_separator_esc as string)

Note the code must be run after you've tried to open WW.

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