WWMT 1.938 Released

Started by wallworm, June 07, 2013, 03:14:31 PM

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Version 1.937 - 1.938 released on 6-7-2013

This update adds a major improvement to the material system. Essentially, I've started adding controls for all the Source VMT parameters. I am not done but well on the way. To add source params to a material, select an object with your material and click  Wall Worm > Wall Worm Materials > Make WW Materials ... now you can go to that material in the material editor and do a lot!

Note that for materials exported from the export button in material editor... if it is for model and has a $cdmaterials option, that field isn't working necessarily and you may need to make the material name like you would for a brush texture.

◦ VMT: Added new controls for VMT parameters directly in the Material. Some functions in WW will add these parameters to the Materials automatically.
◦ Materials: Added new menu under Wall Worm > Wall Worm Materials called Make WW Materials. The function will add the new material properties to all materials of the currently selected objects--or all objects in scene if the selection is empty.
◦ Worm Face: Updated worm face to use the new entity tools for placing decals.
◦ Rad Worm: Fixed bug where the radiosity generator was not writing the RAD file.
◦ Rad Worm: Updated the rad file output to use the new Radiosity Amount for materials that have the new WW Material Properties.
◦ VMT: Fixed some typos when exporting Phong or Ambient Occlusion.
◦ Material Library Generator: Updated generator to use the WW Material Settings. Now collects more settings, including $surfaceprop, $surfaceprop2, $alphatest, $seamlessScale, $halflambert and $phong. Not complete but getting more robust.


Added another quick update:

Version 1.939 released on 6-7-2013

◦ Anvil: Displacement default texture now saved from the last one you choose and put into a Material Library at "$matlibs/WallWormDisplacementMaterials.mat" You can manually edit it to keep a list... the last item in the library is the one used by default.
◦ Displacements: Fixed bug when trying to clear the baked dispinfo from a sculpt mesh..

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