Still struggling with bodygroups (WW Pro beta)

Started by Klizmotron, November 03, 2016, 05:50:57 PM

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I'll try to be clear on this one. Basically I have a model which has 8 body groups with 3 variants each and 9 animations (including idle). Whenever I want to export it, I have to wait untill all the SMDs for all bodygroups are compiled. That's where the fun story begins. First of all, I don't want to wait for all bodygroups SMDs to recompile when any changes are made, but I'm absolutely unable to export only root model SMD or export it without re-exporting bodygroups. Actually it wouldn't be so much of a problem, if the exporter did not export all sequence SMDs for all bodygroups as well, which are not used when the root model is compiled to MDL. So what I get in reality (instead of 8x3 = 24 bodygroups SMDs exports on each root model compilation, which in fact, would be not so bad) is 8x3x9 = 216 SMDs for all bodygroups variants and for all animations of root model for each of them, and only 24 of those (+1 for root model SMD +9 for it's animations = 34 in total) are actually used. But I get like 300+ files compilation of which takes pretty lolg time (my PC is not so powerful) even though models' geometry is really basic. In previous versions of WWMT I linked all BG helpers to root model WWMT helper, exported the QC for it, made necessary changes to it and locked QC of the root model. After that I unlinked them back from the root model to avoid exporting them every time, exported them in portions by hand using WWMT -> Exporters -> WWMT to Source Models to avoid memory overuse and long lag, after that I used .bat file to export the root model. Now I'm unable to do this, because BG mechanics was changed (to a better one, but this F#$@y way doesn't work with it). So the point is, I think it would make sense to allow either not only "Export SMDs" button to export 100000 SMDs of all related models, but some option to export only root model SMDs as well, or at least not compile sequences for bodygroups as long as they're not needed, which would reduce export time (actually almost divide it by the number of animations in your model). So I think some optimization must be done, there are some better ways to go for sure. There is the scene I'm struggling with, maybe it will make some things more clear. Thanks.


OK, I will make the bodygroup animations only export if you manually add an animation to the bodygroups. That should eliminate the bulk. Right now (I believe) it forcibly adds all root model animations to bodygroups. If it doesn't do that, it should eliminate most of the issue.

As for not exporting bodygroup SMDs with root... I will look at that too and see how simple it is without breaking something.



The latest update today no longer adds all parent anims to bodygroups. Give it a spin and let me know if this helps.

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