My Source prop appears invisible for Hammer. Why?

Started by RYANSUPERGENIUS1123, September 23, 2014, 02:11:34 AM

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This response is due to the fact that the material has no textures. I suggest that you take some time to learn how materials and textures relate to one another. In this case, you'll need to look into creating bitmaps for the diffuse map of your material. You will need to dig into adding Alpha channels to your bitmaps (for the glass).

There are many ways to create the bitmaps. The only requirement is that the bitmap is eventually converted to a TGA (or a PSD but that option requires the PSD support in the global settings).

The following video may be of some help to you for understanding how the Max materials/textures relate to those in Source. But you'll have to spend some time scouring other videos on creating the bitmaps, as that isn't covered in the video.


Alright, so I'm using VTFEdit right now. I found the Black Mesa model and materials and textures from the Source Filmmaker folder (in the Black Mesa DLC), and I'm trying to export "skylight_windows.vtf" into a bitmap, and I just wanna be sure I do it right for this Source textures purpose. So I see there's flags that can be checked or unchecked. So far, the "Anisotropic" and "Eight Bit Alpha" flags are checked by default. Any recommendations on what to check or uncheck, and other settings to set before I export this VTF to a bitmap? Please reply soon, cuz I can't keep VTFEdit open forever. Need suggestions on flags and other settings to check before extracting the VTF. Thanks in advance.


As I mentioned via Skype already but sharing here for others, I never create VTFs with VTF Edit. I generally just export my TGAs from Max to Source. Others could probably give more input who actually use VTF Edit for this purpose.


I'm not sure what exactly you're trying to do, but I'm assuming you have a vtf that you're trying to convert into a bitmap in order to use in Max. From what I've encountered, the flags don't affect the bitmap you export out of VTFEdit (though I may be wrong). I don't think it matters what the bitmap ends up looking like anyway as long as the model is still using the original "skylight_windows.vtf", not a modified version or a re-exported version via Wall Worm.

To put it concisely, the flags don't really matter.

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