Problem importing a decompiled model from Team Fortress 2

Started by Soma Cruz, July 07, 2014, 12:08:00 PM

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Soma Cruz

Hi everyone !

Well I have trouble when I want to import a dmx.smd decompiled model (The Saw of the medic in TF2) using the smd importer and wall worm tool in 3dsmax 2014. With the flag animated model checked and unchecked, none of the bones attached to the weapons are imported. I thought it was a problem with the model but I used the last version of Blender and it import the weapon_bone. So there might be a problem with the import tools in Wall Worm. Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3

Here's the download link of the decompiled model :

In short : Exporting and Importing object that doesn't require bones is easy, but it gets messy and buggy if you try to import (and maybe export) a model with bones.

Hope that will help !


Hmm I don't know much about using blender but hopefully this will help you.

I know whenever I tried importing the scout model as a reference for my scene in 3ds max I had to go to the sdk_content directory because nothing but the bones would import. So maybe you just imported/decompiled the wrong model. Alternately you could try using gcfscape to extract the model from the /tf/ directory.

Soma Cruz

Well, I forgot to say that I'm working on 3dsmax 2014, Blender was just used to see if the model wasn't corrupted or something. :)

I took the c_ model so there shouldn't be any problem since I sanw that on some tutorials :/


Alright I just tested out importing the model you have in 3ds max 2010 using the wonderboy smd importer and it gave me the weapon bone with the model. I know wall worm has the option to use that instead. Is your problem trying to get the bone attached to the weapon?

Soma Cruz

Well I cannot even have the weapon_bone, so is the wonderboy smd importer the one provided with Wall Worm ? If so I don't know, it's may be related to 3dsmax 2014 :(


No it's from another site, not sure if it'll work for max 2014 but here's the link for wonderboys import plugin.

Here's the wallworm tutorial for animated props but I'm not sure if that will apply to weapons. I think he might of design his plugins with cstrike/cs:go in mind so using the wallworm tools for what you're doing might not be ideal.

Just found this: It's a hat tutorial but more than likely should help you out. I'd still try the 2012 version of wonderboys plugin for max because it might be backwards compatible. Either that or just use blender instead.


I will download the file and look into this issue tonight.

Just for info: the SMD importer in WW does not just have CS/CSS in mind... but there may be limitations that are related to some specific files. There may just be an unexpected format that I need to add in WW. That being said, importing assets into Max has never been my focus--exporting has always been my focus. So I don't test the importers against every conceivable format.

Also, regarding the Wunderboy tools. WW does support the Wunderboy SMD Exporter, but that doesn't work in Max 2013+ and the WW SMD Exporter is preferred for many reasons. As for the SMD Importer... WW does not utilize the Wunderboy importer.

I wouldn't bother with sending to Blender and back unless you are impatient about this... as I have a feeling I can see what is amiss in your particular case.


OK, I've fixed this. You have to use the DEV version of WW you can download here. This version is not ready to unleash generally just yet because I need to do some more tests on an update to the VMF Exporter... but it will now import your weapon with its bone.

The main WW download will be updated to include this later this week after I've tested more. If you use the VMF exporter a lot, please provide feedback--especially if using brush entities that have Angles parameters.

Soma Cruz

@Wallworm Thank you very much, I didn't expected such a fast fix ! I'm going to try it tomorrow. But I'm sorry I don't use the vmf exporter, I didn't launch Hammer since months

@Redskull Thank you for all the tips and tutorials, I will see that, that will help me ;)

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