DMX Export produces odd lighting characteristics

Started by StealthClobber, December 30, 2016, 01:11:31 PM

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Cool. That works for now.

I've got everything working fine, with the exception of eyelids. Following Pte Jack's guide, I've got eyelids moving with the eyeball flexes fine, but the eyelid flex (in this case called "CloseLid") defaults to half-closed at zero. I don't know if that's a WW issue or not, but I don't think so. Either way, a temporary fix for that is to just include separate eyelid open flexes, open them first so the eyelids will be at a normal state, and then the eyeballs when raised and lowered will still open the eyelids.


Good to hear.

In terms of the eyes defaulting to half... there is a Min/Max flex value for the controllers. I'm not 100% sure of their usage, but I've included them in the flex info and they will be in the flex controller. You might see if changing them from the default helps. I don't expect it to help but it's worth investigating.

When you do discover, please do share the easiest solution.

I hope you are enjoying this update! :)


Alright, so I'm back with some general observations about DMX flex exports.

Domination rules don't work. But I've identified one of the root causes. In the dominators section of a WW exported DMX file, the word "suppressed" is spelled as "supressed". Changing it to suppressed fixes the problem.

However there is another problem. Dominating flexes only seems to be able to dominate one flex at a time. Add a second flex, and the domination rule breaks and it won't dominate either flex.

I'm also still looking into the eyelid flex problem.


So after some looking around, I don't think the eyelid flex "problem" is a problem at all. I think that's just how they are supposed to look. I've seen some models exported with SMD and VTA that do some more complex calculations to have the same eyelid movement, and their eyelids start at a more opened state. However, thats VTA and it's very complicated to do so.

Seems most DMX models I see have the eyelids default to half closed when the eyelid bool is set to 1. Just as long as they work and the multi_CloseLid flex works as it's supposed to, I can live with that.  ;D


Thank you for reporting and investigating. I've fixed the suppressed spelling error in an update just loaded.

You never did tell me how you are getting along with the vertex painting of stereo flexes. Is it working as you'd expect?


The stereo painting works 100% as it should. Just wish I knew how to turn the black/white coloring and flat shading off and keep the balance modifier in the stack.  :P


Once you are done coloring, you can right click the object and go to Object Properties and turn off vertex color display. You can also disable vertex color display in the vertex paint modifier's paint floater (icons at top).


Ah, such a simple solution. I've never used the Vertex Paint modifier before this so I still have much to learn.

I await the dominator fix with much anticipation.  :)


I actually loaded it already a few minutes ago (spelling error). As for not working with multiple dominated flexes, that will need more poking. I don't have any documentation on it at the moment.


Oh that's what you meant by "loaded it". Ok cool. Well I await the multiple flex dominator fix with much anticipation then.  :P

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