[WW Pro] Material Library Generator issues in Max 2017

Started by CarbonCopyCat, August 08, 2016, 11:26:05 PM

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I tested this with a couple of different games, and they all seemed to be affected by the same thing. This happens whenever I try to generate a material library. My settings (if that matters) are a brush library with a specific folder filter for each material folder in the game directory; for example \cstrike\materials\brick\ would have \cstrike\materials\ as its root, would have a folder filter of "nature", and would be named cstrike.brick.mat.

Also, instead of a blue bar filling up in the Material Library Generator window, and another window popping up, the bar remains grey, a similar error to this pops up, and, the Material Library Generator window no longer responds until I close it and open it again.

-- MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception:
-- Runtime error: Error opening bitmap: E:\Wall Worm Materials\cstrike\materials\Brick\brickwall003d.vtf
-- MAXScript callstack:
--   thread data: threadID:14456
--   ------------------------------------------------------
--   [stack level: 0]
--   In wallworm_vmt_MaybeSetTextureMap(); filename: C:\Users\Shane Jones\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2017 - 64bit\ENU\scripts\WallWorm.com\common\vmt_funcs.ms; position: 2157; line: 75
--      Parameters:
--         mapRef: &(prop diffuseMap Local:aMat) : undefined
--         texturepath: "Brick/brickwall003d"
--         extraPath: undefined
--         extraRootPaths: undefined
--         hasAlpha: &Local:dHasAlpha : false
--      Locals:
--         texturepath: "Brick/brickwall003d"
--         tex1: "E:\Wall Worm Materials\cstrike\materials\Brick/brickwall003d.vtf"
--         map: Brick/brickwall003d.vtf:Bitmap
--         hasAlpha: &Local:dHasAlpha
--         extraPath: undefined
--         extraRootPaths: undefined
--         theTex: #("E:\Wall Worm Materials\cstrike\materials\Brick/brickwall003d.vtf", true)
--         CanClose: true
--         mapRef: &(prop diffuseMap Local:aMat)
--      Externals:
--         wallworm_getBitmapFromPaths: Global:wallworm_getBitmapFromPaths : wallworm_getBitmapFromPaths()
--         wallworm_get_sourcematpaths: Global:wallworm_get_sourcematpaths : wallworm_get_sourcematpaths()
--         owner: undefined
--         wallworm_bsToFS: Global:wallworm_bsToFS : wallworm_bsToFS()
--   ------------------------------------------------------
--   [stack level: 1]
--   called from wallworm_vmt_loadMaterial(); filename: C:\Users\Shane Jones\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2017 - 64bit\ENU\scripts\WallWorm.com\common\vmt_funcs.ms; position: 8327; line: 192
--      Parameters:
--         materialPath: "E:\Wall Worm Materials\cstrike\materials\brick\brickwall003d.vmt"
--         matType: "brush"
--         brushColor: (color 155 155 155)
--         modelColor: (color 155 155 0)
--         dispColor: (color 0 155 0)
--         dispColor2: (color 155 155 155)
--         decalColor: (color 255 0 0)
--         extraPath: undefined
--         overWriteName: undefined
--         rootPath: "E:\Wall Worm Materials\cstrike\materials"
--         extraRootPaths: undefined
--      Locals:
--         VMatCompileFlags: dotNetClass:WallWorm.Helpers.VMT.VMaterialCompileFlags
--         vMatHasFlag: HasFlag()
--         vmtHelper: dotNetClass:WallWorm.Helpers.VMTHelper
--         tr: undefined
--         defaultColor: undefined
--         dispColor: (color 0 155 0)
--         dispColor2: (color 155 155 155)
--         decalColor: (color 255 0 0)
--         extraPath: undefined
--         extraRootPaths: undefined
--         vMatHasCompileFlag: HasFlag()
--         materialPath: "E:\Wall Worm Materials\cstrike\materials\brick\brickwall003d.vmt"
--         vMat: dotNetObject:WallWorm.Helpers.VMT.VMaterial
--         dm: undefined
--         aMat: brick/brickwall003d:Standard
--         c: undefined
--         vMatMaterialType: dotNetObject:WallWorm.Helpers.VMT.VMaterialType
--         VMaterialType: dotNetClass:WallWorm.Helpers.VMT.VMaterialType
--         dHasAlpha: false
--         matType: "brush"
--         brushColor: (color 155 155 155)
--         modelColor: (color 155 155 0)
--         overWriteName: undefined
--         rootPath: "E:\Wall Worm Materials\cstrike\materials"
--         VMatFlags: dotNetClass:WallWorm.Helpers.VMT.VMaterialFlags
--      Externals:
--         wallworm_texture_transform: Global:wallworm_texture_transform : StructDef:wallworm_texture_transform
--         owner: undefined
--   ------------------------------------------------------
--   [stack level: 2]
--   called from wallworm_generateMaterialFromVMT(); filename: C:\Users\Shane Jones\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2017 - 64bit\ENU\scripts\WallWorm.com\common\matgenfuncs.ms; position: 8620; line: 304
--      Parameters:
--         vmt: "E:\Wall Worm Materials\cstrike\materials\brick\brickwall003d.vmt"
--         addMat: undefined
--         matType: "brush"
--         brushColor: (color 155 155 155)
--         modelColor: (color 155 155 0)
--         dispColor: (color 0 155 0)
--         dispColor2: (color 155 155 155)
--         decalColor: (color 255 0 0)
--         extraPath: undefined
--         overWriteName: undefined
--         rootPath: "E:\Wall Worm Materials\cstrike\materials"
--         extraRootPaths: undefined
--         forceMaxScript: false
--         materialPaths: undefined
--      Locals:
--         diffuseName: undefined
--         selfIllum: undefined
--         normalmapalphaenvmapmask: undefined
--         normalmapalphaenvmapmask2: undefined
--         op: undefined
--         d: undefined
--         bmWidth: undefined
--         val: undefined
--         tex1: undefined
--         vmt: "E:\Wall Worm Materials\cstrike\materials\brick\brickwall003d.vmt"
--         addMat: undefined
--         forceMaxScript: false
--         isTranslucent: undefined
--         vmtval: undefined
--         allpathstocheck: #("E:\Wall Worm Materials\cstrike\materials")
--         lineNum: undefined
--         theVMT: undefined
--         displayMatname: undefined
--         materialPaths: undefined
--         transforms1: undefined
--         transforms2: undefined
--         param: undefined
--         tr: undefined
--         ambientocclusionName: undefined
--         envmapmask: undefined
--         coords: undefined
--         displayMatdiffuseMapBM: undefined
--         dispColor: (color 0 155 0)
--         dispColor2: (color 155 155 155)
--         decalColor: (color 255 0 0)
--         useMat: undefined
--         makeNewMats: undefined
--         extraPath: undefined
--         extraRootPaths: undefined
--         oldsilentmode: false
--         displayMatdiffuseMap: undefined
--         color1: undefined
--         pos: undefined
--         theTex: undefined
--         opacityName: undefined
--         phongexponenttextureName: undefined
--         blendV: undefined
--         frx: undefined
--         fry: undefined
--         frz: undefined
--         kwvars: undefined
--         cp: undefined
--         bumpName: undefined
--         nocull: undefined
--         addMatB: undefined
--         c: undefined
--         CanClose: undefined
--         displayMatnameB: undefined
--         maxfogdensityscalar: undefined
--         SubRectSize: undefined
--         color2: undefined
--         tex2: undefined
--         bmHeight: undefined
--         matType: "brush"
--         brushColor: (color 155 155 155)
--         modelColor: (color 155 155 0)
--         overWriteName: undefined
--         rootPath: "E:\Wall Worm Materials\cstrike\materials"
--         SubRectPos: undefined
--         displayMat: undefined
--         selfIllumName: undefined
--         mp2: undefined
--         lineArray: undefined
--         dName: undefined
--         theLine: undefined
--      Externals:
--         wallworm_reuse_diifuse_transform: Global:wallworm_reuse_diifuse_transform : wallworm_reuse_diifuse_transform()
--         wallworm_texture_transform: Global:wallworm_texture_transform : StructDef:wallworm_texture_transform
--         wallworm_generateMaterialFromVMT: Global:wallworm_generateMaterialFromVMT : wallworm_generateMaterialFromVMT()
--         wallworm_getBitmapFromPaths: Global:wallworm_getBitmapFromPaths : wallworm_getBitmapFromPaths()
--         wallworm_remove_last_slash: Global:wallworm_remove_last_slash : wallworm_remove_last_slash()
--         wallworm_blend_to_DXBlend: Global:wallworm_blend_to_DXBlend : wallworm_blend_to_DXBlend()
--         wallworm_give_mat_ww: Global:wallworm_give_mat_ww : wallworm_give_mat_ww()
--         wallworm_get_sourcematpaths: Global:wallworm_get_sourcematpaths : wallworm_get_sourcematpaths()
--         wallworm_get_color_from_string_arrays: Global:wallworm_get_color_from_string_arrays : wallworm_get_color_from_string_arrays()
--         owner: undefined
--         wallworm_getValueVMTVal: Global:wallworm_getValueVMTVal : wallworm_getValueVMTVal()
--         wallworm_bsToFS: Global:wallworm_bsToFS : wallworm_bsToFS()
--         wallworm_remove_first_slash: Global:wallworm_remove_first_slash : wallworm_remove_first_slash()
--         wallworm_sanitize_texture_path: Global:wallworm_sanitize_texture_path : wallworm_sanitize_texture_path()
--         wallworm_safe_path: Global:wallworm_safe_path : wallworm_safe_path()
--         wallwormAddTextureCAtoMaterial: Global:wallwormAddTextureCAtoMaterial : wallwormAddTextureCAtoMaterial()
--   ------------------------------------------------------
--   [stack level: 3]
--   called from vmt loop; filename: C:\Users\Shane Jones\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2017 - 64bit\ENU\scripts\WallWorm.com\common\wwmt_material_library_generator.ms; position: 2384; line: 69
--      Parameters:
--         vmt: "E:\Wall Worm Materials\cstrike\materials\brick\brickwall003d.vmt"
--      Locals:
--         mat: undefined
--         vmt: "E:\Wall Worm Materials\cstrike\materials\brick\brickwall003d.vmt"
--         useMat: undefined
--      Externals:
--         BlendMaterials: Free:BlendMaterials : undefined
--         ModelMaterials: Free:ModelMaterials : undefined
--         mdl: Free:mdl : false
--         count: Free:count : 0
--         oneLibrary: Free:oneLibrary : true
--         BrushMaterials: Free:BrushMaterials : undefined
--         total: Free:total : 43
--         usedecl: Free:usedecl : false
--         owner: undefined
--         bl: Free:bl : false
--         br: Free:br : true
--         AllMaterials: Free:AllMaterials : #materialLibrary()
--         wallwormMatGen: Global:wallwormMatGen : Rollout:wallwormMatGen
--         DecalMaterials: Free:DecalMaterials : undefined
--   ------------------------------------------------------
--   [stack level: 4]
--   called from wwmt_ceate_material_library(); filename: C:\Users\Shane Jones\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2017 - 64bit\ENU\scripts\WallWorm.com\common\wwmt_material_library_generator.ms; position: 3772; line: 100
--      Parameters:
--         p: "E:\Wall Worm Materials\cstrike\materials"
--         project: "cstrike.brick.new"
--         br: true
--         bl: false
--         mdl: false
--         folderFilter: "brick"
--         fileFilter: "*"
--         recurse: true
--         usedecl: false
--         forceMXS: false
--      Locals:
--         stopwatch: undefined
--         BlendMaterials: undefined
--         project: "cstrike.brick.new"
--         recurse: true
--         ModelMaterials: undefined
--         p: "E:\Wall Worm Materials\cstrike\materials"
--         mdl: false
--         count: 0
--         oneLibrary: true
--         BrushMaterials: undefined
--         wwmt_getFilesRecursive: wallwormFileOpsStruct.getFilesRecursive()
--         total: 43
--         matContinue: undefined
--         message: undefined
--         usedecl: false
--         forceMXS: false
--         br: true
--         bl: false
--         fileFilter: "*"
--         AllMaterials: #materialLibrary()
--         folderFilter: "brick"
--         DecalMaterials: undefined
--      Externals:
--         owner: undefined
--         wallwormMatGen: Global:wallwormMatGen : Rollout:wallwormMatGen
--   ------------------------------------------------------
--   [stack level: 5]
--   called from btnGenerate.pressed(); filename: C:\Users\Shane Jones\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2017 - 64bit\ENU\scripts\WallWorm.com\common\wwmt_material_library_generator.ms; position: 11701; line: 246
--   member of: Rollout:wallwormMatGen
--      Locals:
--         cont: true
--         errors: #()
--         message: undefined
--      Externals:
--         chk_modelLibrary: RolloutControl:chk_modelLibrary in rollout:wallwormMatGen : CheckBoxControl:chk_modelLibrary
--         chk_blendLibrary: RolloutControl:chk_blendLibrary in rollout:wallwormMatGen : CheckBoxControl:chk_blendLibrary
--         edtFolders: RolloutControl:edtFolders in rollout:wallwormMatGen : EditTextControl:edtFolders
--         owner: Rollout:wallwormMatGen
--         chk_brushLibrary: RolloutControl:chk_brushLibrary in rollout:wallwormMatGen : CheckBoxControl:chk_brushLibrary
--         edt_libraryName: RolloutControl:edt_libraryName in rollout:wallwormMatGen : EditTextControl:edt_libraryName
--         chk_decalLibrary: RolloutControl:chk_decalLibrary in rollout:wallwormMatGen : CheckBoxControl:chk_decalLibrary
--         chkMXS: RolloutControl:chkMXS in rollout:wallwormMatGen : CheckBoxControl:chkMXS
--         chk_recurse: RolloutControl:chk_recurse in rollout:wallwormMatGen : CheckBoxControl:chk_recurse
--         wallwormMatGen: Rollout:wallwormMatGen
--         edtFileFilters: RolloutControl:edtFileFilters in rollout:wallwormMatGen : EditTextControl:edtFileFilters
--   ------------------------------------------------------
--   [stack level: 6]
--   called from top-level


Hmmm... it's worked for me in Max 2017.

It looks to me that this error is caused by the VTF Loader plugin not being installed correctly. See if this thread helps: http://www.wallworm.net/index.php/topic,1293.0.html


That seemed to be the issue; WW Pro works fine now. Instead of the path listed, it was this path, which mostly existed except for the 2017 folder:
C:/Users/[User Name]/AppData/Local/Autodesk/3dsMax/2017 - 64bit/ENU/scripts\Wallworm.com\assemblies\2017\x64

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