Real world scale equation to Source units

Started by camjac251, April 27, 2017, 06:50:40 AM

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I've been trying to find this about source but have been unable to find an answer for it. The closest I've seen is the 1/16 and 1/32 from the skybox scalers in Wallworm, although it may be unrelated.

I've been wanting to find out how much an inch in Source equals in real world units. In using both Maya's Source tools for SFM and Wallworm, I saw that a 5 foot tall character model when imported, would equal around 3.3 feet in real world units. I've been trying to find the exact ratio for Real world units to Hammer/Source units but can't find anything. I use SFM, so it's using the TF2 scale, not sure if it changed with Source2 or L4D,CSGO.

I tried looking up real world scale and model scale on the forums, but all I could find is how to properly scale a model, not to what to scale it to.

Is there a way to scale a model exactly, instead of say, importing a source model and matching?


I don't really have an answer, directly. I know that the units are generic. My best advice is to just use generic units. A scene in Hammer is in generic units, so historically everyone is always measuring against those. CSGO, TF2 and all the source games are using the same system for units for Hammer, SMD, MDL, etc.

As for SFM, it isn't something I've had much use for or time other than to test WW exports and compatibility. Does it not allow displaying classic Hammer units?

What I do to keep scale accurate is start all scenes with a 24x24x72 Box primitive in a scene that roughly approximates a player character. I work from there. But I'm always building everything (models, scene, materials, etc) directly in Max so I'm not ever concerned with conversions between different apps.

Note that the 1/16 and 1/32 skybox scales are not related.


Source Filmmaker would use the same scale as TF2.

Generic units are what displays though right? They would still rely on system scale being set to real world value. For 24x24x72, I'm guessing then you'd have inches as the system default? And on exporting, it would be the same rough height as all of the other models? It'd be 2 feet x 2 feet x 6 feet inside of source after export?

I tried exporting a model with real world measurements to source and scaled it down to fit a left 4 dead model, going from 1.0 scale to 0.036-0.04 roughly gave the same general height.


Yes, to make Max match Source, you should use Generic Units where 1 Unit = 1 Inch in system units.

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