SMD Import

Started by Scrotty, December 31, 2015, 12:38:46 PM

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Not sure where this belongs, but even after the most recent update the issue still exists. Which is that imported SMD models still have multiple vertices while Weld Vertices is enabled.


There aren't issues at export time. Remember that when going to the game, it's all just triangles. SMD files don't store information about two vertices being the same vertex in different triangles. Any relationships that studiomdl.exe generate for MDL files (if any) are derived from the SMD data which is just positions, normal, UVs and skin weights.

But in terms of your issue, WW will only weld vertices under these circumstances:

1) Importing a QC and the QC has $staticprop
2) Importing a SMD and the Weld Vertices checkbox is on

For other props, select the mesh afterwards and add a Vertex Weld modifier to the top of the stack. This will weld verts and preserve the skin weights.

There are too many problems for me to automate that inside the QC importer for non $staticprop. So it's up to the user to do this.


Quote from: wallworm on December 31, 2015, 01:33:02 PM
But in terms of your issue, WW will only weld vertices under these circumstances:

1) Importing a QC and the QC has $staticprop
2) Importing a SMD and the Weld Vertices checkbox is on

It is an SMD and the Weld Vertices checkbox is on though. :/


Is it just this one section or all vertices?



Try importing with the Animated Model checkbox at top turned off AND/OR the Remove Bones checkbox. See if that now welds all your verts. Of course, doing this will remove all skin weights.

So if you need skin weights brought in, then just add a Vertex Weld modifier on top of the skin as mentioned above.


Quote from: wallworm on December 31, 2015, 03:50:53 PM
Try importing with the Animated Model checkbox at top turned off AND/OR the Remove Bones checkbox. See if that now welds all your verts. Of course, doing this will remove all skin weights.

So if you need skin weights brought in, then just add a Vertex Weld modifier on top of the skin as mentioned above.

Not sure about the Animated Model checkbox as it was already disabled but yes, the Remove Bones checkbox fixed the multiple vertices. Thank you!

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