Installation issue

Started by moonblade, April 07, 2013, 07:06:43 AM

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Not so much a bug report, but I don't know where else to put it, sorry.

When following the directions for Installing Wall Worm Model Tools, I get this when I reach step 6.

I have downloaded the WWMT to C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2013\scripts. I have not made any alterations. I'm clueless here. Please help me out. Thank you!


That is very odd. It really shouldn't fail there... and I've not seen that failure.

Do you have the latest service packs / product updates for Max installed? For Max 2013 that is currently Product Update 6 which you can get here:

Try installing that patch then running the WW installation script again.

If that doesn't work, then it may be a file permission problem.

What operating system are you using?


I downloaded and installed the service pack, but I still get the same error.

I am currently running Windows 7. Although manually moving items into the Wall Worm folder does get me the "You must be an administrator ..." pop-up, as soon as I click "OK" everything is fine. However, running the Wall Worm program as an administrator didn't seem to make a difference. I still got the same error.

Just so you know, all I need to do is use the .smd import/export function to help me make some animations for the Sims 3. So if there's another way to make that happen, I'm all ears.

Thanks for responding. :)


Try this... click Run Script and choose MaxDir\Scripts\\WallWormUtilities\ ... then you should update your WW settings in the WW menu that should appear.


After trying to run the "add" script manually, I got this notice:

I'm running a 64-bit installation of 3DS Max. The WWMT is installed here: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2013\scripts. I installed all folders per directions, didn't move anything. Should I just attempt a reinstall of the program and/or the tools?


Take a screen shot of your windows explorer scripts folder. It may simply be that the folders aren't unzipped into the correct place.

inside C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2013\scripts should be a folder named (or if your computer does not show extensions, the folder may simply display as WallWorm) ... and inside that folder should be your and all the other subfolders.

So basically, when unzipping, drag the (which sometimes displays as WallWorm) in the zip file into the Scripts folder of Max.

Here is how it looks on my computer:

Here are some more tips:

Installing Wall Worm Model Tools


Ah, that was exactly it. I had the program in one folder too many.  ::) It's up and running now.
Thank you so much for your time and patience. :)

I have one final question (I think, I hope).

As I noted earlier, I need to use the program to make use of its .smd import capability. I'm almost 100% positive that Sims 3 doesn't have the model root, material root, and bin dir directories that the pathing step is looking for. Can I still use the program to import .smd files without setting those folders up first?


The SMD importer does not require paths. But you may want to make folders for them and assign them to those in the event WW complains in any functions you happen to use... only if you find something that complains. Otherwise, you should be able to use this button in Max menus: Wall Worm > Wall Worm Importers > SMD and QC Importer .


You're the greatest.  ;D  Thank you again.

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