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Messages - anthon64

Hello, for now I'm just trying to reproduce a simple door, but your method will help me a lot! I think I understood everything, I'm going to experiment all this. And I'll let you know if it ever works or not. But I think there will be no problems. Thank you very much once again, for having taken the time to answer me and to have provided me with such detailed explanations!
Hey ! Thank you for the quick reply  :)

i'll take a look at it ! and yes no worry i can wait :)

thank you again for the taking the time to help me !
Hello, first of all, i would like to thank you for having created wall worm !  :D

i would like to know if it's possible to create a prop_door_rotating entity with wallworm with my custom door models, and if its possible, how i can do this step by step ? my door is already modeled as a static prop for the moment.  :)

( Sorry for my english )
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