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Messages - keru1264

Animated Models / Re: Unknown issue with SMD
April 30, 2017, 09:42:28 AM
Ah, okay, thanks for explanation. I understand now. I always thought that having these multiple parts on model is requirement of Source. Because I only had experience in making models for Unreal Engine, it's like a dark matter to me how is Source's SMD format works, so.. yeah. Thanks for your help  :)
Animated Models / Re: Unknown issue with SMD
April 30, 2017, 06:36:11 AM
Thanks for your reply. You were right. In the end, there is no T-pose in a game and animations work fine, but anyway, I don't get it. Feels like I'm doing something in a wrong way. I've seen a lot of SMDs that used Pelvis bone as root bone, they had no "mesh bone" that my model has and like I said earlier, polygons on these models were tied to different bones, not just to root bone (like mine). So, I'm relying on your advice, because I really don't know how to fix it..
Animated Models / Unknown issue with SMD
April 29, 2017, 01:31:08 AM
Hello everyone. Yesterday I started rigging character from KF to port it into NMRiH using standard ValveBiped with Skin modifier.
Model was almost ready. The problem is that after exporting, all the polygons (triangles) in SMD file are using one single bone (zero bone, also mesh), because of that now it's like a single prop  :-\. Any ideas?

This is how it looks..
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