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Any info on this scene, or have you had your hands full with the mdl loader?
Sorry for the novice mistakes. Teach me the ways Grandmaster Worm. Seriously though, thanks for helping me.
Roger dodger boss man.

Um, my test scene is larger than 512kbs. Do you want me to email it to you?
I've been trying to smooth a cylinder shape just for myself to understand the mechanics of Hammer and how they are translated into Wallworm. The process of learning everything is very slow because free time is something I don't have. Any way I created a cylinder, slapped on brushify, and then also slapped on Edit Mesh to get the smoothing groups to replicate a pretty nice shadow. However the results are very disappointing as it seems that I am definitely doing something wrong. Can someone point me the right direction because I ctrl+f'ed smoothing groups in the Hammered to the max guide and I have no idea still. Any help is appreciated.
I've been trying to use the UVW map modifier to make the tools textures fit on blocks with the appropriate csgo texture scaling which is 0.250.
However it seems that the modifier only applies to the polygon face that I designated it to or either the whole element.
My other option was to use multiple UVW map modifiers but it also seems that only one of the UVW map modifiers are being applied to the object at a given time.

I understand that the scaling is just the tiling effect for the modifier, but my problem is that I want individual tiling on different polygon faces on the same element.
Otherwise I get the same tiling for all faces and I get what I have below.

EDIT: Nvm, thank you for the video.
I think it might be because when some people like myself updates wallworm they forget to unblock the zip and it's files. So when they extract and run the script it's actually the wallworm free version and I think that doesn't include the VTF loader path. Right? I don't know im just speculating because I updated wallworm, forgot to unblock the latest zip, and I was trying to solve this problem.
I'm using wallworm pro and I fixed it scouring the forums. Thank you for the top post in the material and texture subforum. It was the system path not being included.
-- MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception:
-- Runtime error: Error opening bitmap: F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials\dev\dev_measuregeneric01b.vtf
-- MAXScript callstack:
-- thread data: threadID:9352
-- ------------------------------------------------------
-- [stack level: 0]
-- In wallworm_generateMaterialFromVMT(); filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2017\scripts\\common\; position: 40676; line: 1152
-- Parameters:
-- vmt: "F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials\dev\dev_blendmeasure.vmt"
-- addMat: undefined
-- matType: "brush"
-- brushColor: (color 155 155 155)
-- modelColor: (color 155 155 0)
-- dispColor: (color 0 155 0)
-- dispColor2: (color 155 155 155)
-- decalColor: (color 0 0 0)
-- extraPath: undefined
-- overWriteName: undefined
-- rootPath: "F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials"
-- extraRootPaths: undefined
-- forceMaxScript: true
-- materialPaths: undefined
-- Locals:
-- addMatB: dev/dev_blendmeasure:Blend
-- cp: undefined
-- displayMatdiffuseMapBM: undefined
-- useMat: true
-- color2: undefined
-- makeNewMats: true
-- c: undefined
-- overWriteName: undefined
-- param: "$basetexture"
-- maxfogdensityscalar: undefined
-- oldsilentmode: true
-- opacityName: ""
-- theTex: #("F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials\dev/dev_measuregeneric01b.vtf", true)
-- displayMatnameB: undefined
-- brushColor: (color 155 155 155)
-- transforms1: undefined
-- transforms2: undefined
-- bumpName: ""
-- nocull: false
-- tex2: undefined
-- forceMaxScript: true
-- op: undefined
-- modelColor: (color 155 155 0)
-- SubRectSize: undefined
-- tex1: "F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials\dev/dev_measuregeneric01b.vtf"
-- envmapmask: undefined
-- bmHeight: undefined
-- d: undefined
-- decalColor: (color 0 0 0)
-- SubRectPos: undefined
-- val: "dev/dev_measuregeneric01b"
-- phongexponenttextureName: undefined
-- displayMat: undefined
-- selfIllumName: ""
-- addMatC: undefined
-- addMatD: undefined
-- multiblendmat: undefined
-- frx: undefined
-- fry: undefined
-- frz: undefined
-- kwvars: undefined
-- materialPaths: undefined
-- dName: undefined
-- coords: undefined
-- vmt: "F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials\dev\dev_blendmeasure.vmt"
-- diffuseName: "dev/dev_measuregeneric01b"
-- selfIllum: false
-- normalmapalphaenvmapmask: undefined
-- normalmapalphaenvmapmask2: false
-- mp2: Standardmaterial:Standard
-- lineArray: #(""$basetexture"", ""dev/dev_measuregeneric01b"")
-- bmWidth: undefined
-- matType: "blend"
-- dispColor: (color 0 155 0)
-- extraPath: undefined
-- extraRootPaths: undefined
-- color1: undefined
-- tr: undefined
-- addMat: dev/dev_measuregeneric01b:Standard
-- dispColor2: (color 155 155 155)
-- rootPath: "F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials"
-- isTranslucent: false
-- ambientocclusionName: undefined
-- displayMatname: undefined
-- pos: undefined
-- vmtval: undefined
-- CanClose: true
-- allpathstocheck: #("F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials")
-- displayMatdiffuseMap: undefined
-- lineNum: 3
-- theVMT: <File:F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials\dev\dev_blendmeasure.vmt>
-- blendV: Vertex_Color:Vertex Color
-- theLine: ""$basetexture" "dev/dev_measuregeneric01b""
-- Externals:
-- wallworm_remove_last_slash: Global:wallworm_remove_last_slash : wallworm_remove_last_slash()
-- wallworm_BSToFS: Global:wallworm_BSToFS : wallworm_BSToFS()
-- owner: undefined
-- wallworm_safe_path: Global:wallworm_safe_path : wallworm_safe_path()
-- wallworm_get_color_from_string_arrays: Global:wallworm_get_color_from_string_arrays : wallworm_get_color_from_string_arrays()
-- wallworm_getBitmapFromPaths: Global:wallworm_getBitmapFromPaths : wallworm_getBitmapFromPaths()
-- wallworm_get_sourcematpaths: Global:wallworm_get_sourcematpaths : wallworm_get_sourcematpaths()
-- wallworm_remove_first_slash: Global:wallworm_remove_first_slash : wallworm_remove_first_slash()
-- wallworm_getValueVMTVal: Global:wallworm_getValueVMTVal : wallworm_getValueVMTVal()
-- wallworm_sanitize_texture_path: Global:wallworm_sanitize_texture_path : wallworm_sanitize_texture_path()
-- wallworm_texture_transform: Global:wallworm_texture_transform : StructDef:wallworm_texture_transform
-- wallworm_generateMaterialFromVMT: Global:wallworm_generateMaterialFromVMT : wallworm_generateMaterialFromVMT()
-- ------------------------------------------------------
-- [stack level: 1]
-- called from wallworm_vmt_loadMaterial(); filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2017\scripts\\common\; position: 16036; line: 336
-- Parameters:
-- materialPath: "F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials\dev\dev_blendmeasure.vmt"
-- matType: "brush"
-- brushColor: (color 155 155 155)
-- modelColor: (color 155 155 0)
-- dispColor: (color 0 155 0)
-- dispColor2: (color 155 155 155)
-- decalColor: (color 255 0 0)
-- extraPath: undefined
-- overWriteName: undefined
-- rootPath: "F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials"
-- extraRootPaths: undefined
-- Locals:
-- VMaterialType: dotNetClass:WallWorm.Helpers.VMT.VMaterialType
-- aMat: dev/dev_blendmeasure:Standard
-- c: undefined
-- overWriteName: undefined
-- materialPath: "F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials\dev\dev_blendmeasure.vmt"
-- defaultColor: undefined
-- brushColor: (color 155 155 155)
-- dm: undefined
-- nb: undefined
-- modelColor: (color 155 155 0)
-- vmtHelper: dotNetClass:WallWorm.Helpers.VMTHelper
-- VMatCompileFlags: dotNetClass:WallWorm.Helpers.VMT.VMaterialCompileFlags
-- d: undefined
-- decalColor: (color 255 0 0)
-- dHasAlpha: undefined
-- VMatFlags: dotNetClass:WallWorm.Helpers.VMT.VMaterialFlags
-- vMat: dotNetObject:WallWorm.Helpers.VMT.VMaterial
-- vMatHasFlag: HasFlag()
-- matType: "brush"
-- dispColor: (color 0 155 0)
-- extraPath: undefined
-- extraRootPaths: undefined
-- vMatHasCompileFlag: HasFlag()
-- tr: undefined
-- dispColor2: (color 155 155 155)
-- rootPath: "F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials"
-- vMatMaterialType: dotNetObject:WallWorm.Helpers.VMT.VMaterialType
-- Externals:
-- owner: undefined
-- wallworm_texture_transform: Global:wallworm_texture_transform : StructDef:wallworm_texture_transform
-- ------------------------------------------------------
-- [stack level: 2]
-- called from wallworm_generateMaterialFromVMT(); filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2017\scripts\\common\; position: 9499; line: 312
-- Parameters:
-- vmt: "F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials\dev\dev_blendmeasure.vmt"
-- addMat: undefined
-- matType: "brush"
-- brushColor: (color 155 155 155)
-- modelColor: (color 155 155 0)
-- dispColor: (color 0 155 0)
-- dispColor2: (color 155 155 155)
-- decalColor: (color 255 0 0)
-- extraPath: undefined
-- overWriteName: undefined
-- rootPath: "F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials"
-- extraRootPaths: undefined
-- forceMaxScript: false
-- materialPaths: undefined
-- Locals:
-- addMatB: undefined
-- cp: undefined
-- displayMatdiffuseMapBM: undefined
-- useMat: undefined
-- color2: undefined
-- makeNewMats: undefined
-- c: undefined
-- overWriteName: undefined
-- param: undefined
-- maxfogdensityscalar: undefined
-- oldsilentmode: false
-- opacityName: undefined
-- theTex: undefined
-- displayMatnameB: undefined
-- brushColor: (color 155 155 155)
-- transforms1: undefined
-- transforms2: undefined
-- bumpName: undefined
-- nocull: undefined
-- tex2: undefined
-- forceMaxScript: false
-- op: undefined
-- modelColor: (color 155 155 0)
-- SubRectSize: undefined
-- tex1: undefined
-- envmapmask: undefined
-- bmHeight: undefined
-- d: undefined
-- decalColor: (color 255 0 0)
-- SubRectPos: undefined
-- val: undefined
-- phongexponenttextureName: undefined
-- displayMat: undefined
-- selfIllumName: undefined
-- addMatC: undefined
-- addMatD: undefined
-- multiblendmat: undefined
-- frx: undefined
-- fry: undefined
-- frz: undefined
-- kwvars: undefined
-- materialPaths: undefined
-- dName: undefined
-- coords: undefined
-- vmt: "F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials\dev\dev_blendmeasure.vmt"
-- diffuseName: undefined
-- selfIllum: undefined
-- normalmapalphaenvmapmask: undefined
-- normalmapalphaenvmapmask2: undefined
-- mp2: undefined
-- lineArray: undefined
-- bmWidth: undefined
-- matType: "brush"
-- dispColor: (color 0 155 0)
-- extraPath: undefined
-- extraRootPaths: undefined
-- color1: undefined
-- tr: undefined
-- addMat: undefined
-- dispColor2: (color 155 155 155)
-- rootPath: "F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials"
-- isTranslucent: undefined
-- ambientocclusionName: undefined
-- displayMatname: undefined
-- pos: undefined
-- vmtval: undefined
-- CanClose: undefined
-- allpathstocheck: #("F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials")
-- displayMatdiffuseMap: undefined
-- lineNum: undefined
-- theVMT: undefined
-- blendV: undefined
-- theLine: undefined
-- Externals:
-- wallworm_remove_last_slash: Global:wallworm_remove_last_slash : wallworm_remove_last_slash()
-- wallworm_BSToFS: Global:wallworm_BSToFS : wallworm_BSToFS()
-- owner: undefined
-- wallworm_safe_path: Global:wallworm_safe_path : wallworm_safe_path()
-- wallworm_get_color_from_string_arrays: Global:wallworm_get_color_from_string_arrays : wallworm_get_color_from_string_arrays()
-- wallworm_getBitmapFromPaths: Global:wallworm_getBitmapFromPaths : wallworm_getBitmapFromPaths()
-- wallworm_get_sourcematpaths: Global:wallworm_get_sourcematpaths : wallworm_get_sourcematpaths()
-- wallworm_remove_first_slash: Global:wallworm_remove_first_slash : wallworm_remove_first_slash()
-- wallworm_getValueVMTVal: Global:wallworm_getValueVMTVal : wallworm_getValueVMTVal()
-- wallworm_sanitize_texture_path: Global:wallworm_sanitize_texture_path : wallworm_sanitize_texture_path()
-- wallworm_texture_transform: Global:wallworm_texture_transform : StructDef:wallworm_texture_transform
-- wallworm_generateMaterialFromVMT: Global:wallworm_generateMaterialFromVMT : wallworm_generateMaterialFromVMT()
-- ------------------------------------------------------
-- [stack level: 3]
-- called from vmt loop; filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2017\scripts\\common\; position: 2384; line: 69
-- Parameters:
-- vmt: "F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials\dev\dev_blendmeasure.vmt"
-- Locals:
-- useMat: undefined
-- mat: undefined
-- vmt: "F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials\dev\dev_blendmeasure.vmt"
-- Externals:
-- AllMaterials: Free:AllMaterials : undefined
-- owner: undefined
-- BlendMaterials: Free:BlendMaterials : #materialLibrary()
-- DecalMaterials: Free:DecalMaterials : #materialLibrary()
-- ModelMaterials: Free:ModelMaterials : #materialLibrary()
-- wallwormMatGen: Global:wallwormMatGen : Rollout:wallwormMatGen
-- BrushMaterials: Free:BrushMaterials : #materialLibrary()
-- oneLibrary: Free:oneLibrary : false
-- usedecl: Free:usedecl : false
-- bl: Free:bl : true
-- br: Free:br : true
-- count: Free:count : 19
-- mdl: Free:mdl : false
-- total: Free:total : 190
-- ------------------------------------------------------
-- [stack level: 4]
-- called from wwmt_ceate_material_library(); filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2017\scripts\\common\; position: 3772; line: 100
-- Parameters:
-- p: "F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials"
-- project: "csgo_dev"
-- br: true
-- bl: true
-- mdl: false
-- folderFilter: "*dev*"
-- fileFilter: "*"
-- recurse: true
-- usedecl: false
-- forceMXS: false
-- Locals:
-- message: undefined
-- AllMaterials: undefined
-- stopwatch: dotNetObject:System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch
-- BlendMaterials: #materialLibrary()
-- DecalMaterials: #materialLibrary()
-- ModelMaterials: #materialLibrary()
-- BrushMaterials: #materialLibrary()
-- matContinue: undefined
-- oneLibrary: false
-- project: "csgo_dev"
-- recurse: true
-- usedecl: false
-- p: "F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials"
-- br: true
-- bl: true
-- forceMXS: false
-- fileFilter: "*"
-- count: 19
-- mdl: false
-- folderFilter: "*dev*"
-- wwmt_getFilesRecursive: wallwormFileOpsStruct.getFilesRecursive()
-- total: 190
-- Externals:
-- owner: undefined
-- wallwormMatGen: Global:wallwormMatGen : Rollout:wallwormMatGen
-- ------------------------------------------------------
-- [stack level: 5]
-- called from btnGenerate.pressed(); filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2017\scripts\\common\; position: 11701; line: 246
-- member of: Rollout:wallwormMatGen
-- Locals:
-- message: undefined
-- cont: true
-- errors: #()
-- Externals:
-- chk_blendLibrary: RolloutControl:chk_blendLibrary in rollout:wallwormMatGen : CheckBoxControl:chk_blendLibrary
-- owner: Rollout:wallwormMatGen
-- edtFolders: RolloutControl:edtFolders in rollout:wallwormMatGen : EditTextControl:edtFolders
-- chkMXS: RolloutControl:chkMXS in rollout:wallwormMatGen : CheckBoxControl:chkMXS
-- edt_libraryName: RolloutControl:edt_libraryName in rollout:wallwormMatGen : EditTextControl:edt_libraryName
-- chk_decalLibrary: RolloutControl:chk_decalLibrary in rollout:wallwormMatGen : CheckBoxControl:chk_decalLibrary
-- chk_recurse: RolloutControl:chk_recurse in rollout:wallwormMatGen : CheckBoxControl:chk_recurse
-- wallwormMatGen: Rollout:wallwormMatGen
-- edtFileFilters: RolloutControl:edtFileFilters in rollout:wallwormMatGen : EditTextControl:edtFileFilters
-- chk_modelLibrary: RolloutControl:chk_modelLibrary in rollout:wallwormMatGen : CheckBoxControl:chk_modelLibrary
-- chk_brushLibrary: RolloutControl:chk_brushLibrary in rollout:wallwormMatGen : CheckBoxControl:chk_brushLibrary
-- ------------------------------------------------------
-- [stack level: 6]
-- called from top-level

I can generate a material library from the tools folder of csgo however the bitmap's path to the vtf everytime is correct but the image is just a blank black bitmap. And when I reload the path to the vtf file that's when the bitmap goes from what it should be to the blank black bitmap texture.

Also when I try to generate a material library with the dev folder of csgo or basically any folder that has a blend vmt file the error above shows up.

Yesterday (7/12/2016) I had this problem but a good restart on my computer fixed the material generator, but now I have the same problems as before today (7/13/2016). I going to restart my computer to see if I can see if this fixes it for some reason.

The restart on my computer didn't fix the paths. I tried to overwrite the materials and that didn't work and then I deleted all the libraries and generated them and that also didn't work.

EDIT: I noticed that I was missing the VTF loader system path. I added it then tried to generate a material library, it still isn't working. I'm gonna restart 3ds max and see if it works now.
I wondering what your preference is with organizing textures, but do you sort your textures like this?...

       csgo <---- [material root for current project/game I'm level editing for...]
       more source games...

or like this?...

materials <--- [general material root]
      '(all) concrete (textures from halflife, csgo, dota2, insurgency, etc)'
      '(all) brick (textures from halflife, csgo, dota2, insurgency, etc)'

because some textures repeat in other source games that have the same file name. I want to preserve the uniqueness of each file without accidently overwriting some important vmt or vmf that to a specific game, but I think that the second option is just more convenient for generating and makes some consistency with all types of textures.
Okay nevermind, my bad. The generator is actually super easy. It's just that the folder's names that I was using for my material path didn't match up with how the folders are set up when you extract these textures to begin. Like how the folders are set up inside of the gcf files.
Right now I have a very simple material library set up just to learn how everything works.

From what I understand the material library generator just looks at the vmt files and makes a material from it. The textures that I am converting are the tools textures from csgo.
The material library runs fine and finds all of the vmt files in the specified folder from the filter. However when I bring out the materials into the slate editor the bitmap associated with the material has no texture.

I understand how to change the bitmap's path, but there are a few things that I need help with...

1. Do I have to keep changing the bitmap box's path that links to my material box?

2. How do I keep the changes to the path? Because when I restart max then the material, for instance, tools/toolsnodraw, doesn't have the classic valve nodraw texture.

3. What is the Wall Worm Texture properties path? Is that the path to the vmf or the vtf? And if this path doesn't correctly point to the vtf file is that why the bitmap is blank.

4. Do I have to associate a new bitmap everytime max starts?
Finally got around to running the Wallworm 2.838 BETA script and I got this error.

-- Error occurred in anonymous codeblock; filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2017\scripts\\common\; position: 2801; line: 123
-- MAXScript Auto-load Script Error - C:\Users\Matthew Fuller\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2017 - 64bit\ENU\scripts\startup\ Exception:
-- Compile error: Undeclared variable:  Multi_Blender
--  In line:    blendShaderList = #(Blend,CompositeMaterial,Multi_Blender)

The error above is what showed when I first started 3ds max without running the script.
It wasn't a big error so I didn't bother creating a pastebin link.

The error below kept repeating if I attempted to run the script for the BETA.
What would actually happen though is that the 'Do you accept these terms and condition' window would show up and I could tick the 'I accept' tickbox on and off.
However I would click install and it would lock up generating this error below every time I clicked it.

--  In line:    blendShaderList = #(Blend,CompositeMaterial,Multi_Blender)

I tried refreshing the UI, but I got no results from that.

I am currently on wallworm v2.836 right now.
Yeah, my issue came up if I exported to a specific path, changed a sub folder in the path, and then tried to export to the same location.

I was still messing with it and if I just made a new folder with the name I wanted in the same "folder tier" then the exporting would work just fine.

I'm gonna try to see if this WW Beta works.

A million thanks.
Okay I emailed you the achieved scene.
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