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Messages - mark2580

Bug Reports / Re: Conflict with fbx Import
December 18, 2024, 09:03:57 PM
Quote from: wallworm on December 11, 2024, 11:01:59 AMIf you click Wall Worm > Wall Worm Utilities > Toggle Wall Worm Events the functions that scan nodes added to the scene will become disabled and you won't get the error.
is it possible to disable this permanently somehow? after restarting it turns on again, forgetting about it I import FBX and again get spam from these errors, and they slow down the import a lot
Bug Reports / Re: Conflict with fbx Import
December 12, 2024, 12:57:53 PM
Quote from: wallworm on December 12, 2024, 11:00:23 AMDid you test it?
Yes, specifically with the last file. I don't know how to create an fbx that causes this problem, so I'll check something else.
Quote from: wallworm on December 11, 2024, 11:01:59 AMCan you inform me of the file origins?
This is an export of the entire scene from Unreal Editor (UE4).
Here's another file. It seems to be directly related to the FBX format, not the bulk import script. 🤨
Bug Reports / Conflict with fbx Import
December 09, 2024, 11:23:27 PM
Found a conflict with another script. When I try to import several fbx files, I get spam from messages related to some wallworm helper, I have to hold enter to skip them automatically.
Script -
Files -
Bug Reports / Re: Conflict with FractureVoronoi script
November 03, 2024, 10:58:59 PM
Quote from: wallworm on November 03, 2024, 12:03:16 PMThose are three lines of code to run in sequence in the MAXScript listener. Or open the MAXScript Editor and paste the entire lines and execute the script in full.
Yes, it seems to have worked. I restarted 3ds max and the script worked fine without entering any commands. 👀
Quote from: wallworm on November 03, 2024, 12:14:34 PMSorry, I re-read your posts from the beginning. Obviously I only skimmed some of the posts (probably between meetings at work) as I now realize what you are asking.

  • Use the Selection as Point Entity button you mentioned in OP
  • Once all have the entity, select them all
  • Run following snippet in MAXScript Listener:

for obj in selection do obj.model =
Hooray hooray hooray!!! Yes, that's exactly what I wanted to do. I could get the coordinates initially, but I also needed a name.
Last time I just sat and manually copied the names into the world model field. There were about 200 models there. That's why there was such a long gap in messages, I forgot that I even asked about it x)
We can consider the problem solved. 👍
Bug Reports / Re: Conflict with FractureVoronoi script
November 03, 2024, 07:40:11 AM
Quote from: wallworm on November 01, 2024, 06:41:41 PMBefore running that script, click F11 and enter this code into the white MAXScript Listener:
callbacks.removeScripts id:#WallWormAutoSliceModID
Okay, this works.
Quote from: wallworm on November 01, 2024, 07:02:14 PMAdditional information:

To permanently turn on the Wall Worm Slice modifier options:

::wallwormSlicemodOps.AutoSliceMod = true

or to permanently turn it off:

::wallwormSlicemodOps.AutoSliceMod = false
And this is what I don't understand at all. Should I also send this to MAXScript Lister??? Because it seems it didn't give any result.
Quote from: wallworm on November 01, 2024, 06:52:51 PMYou can place static prop entities directly in Max already. Simple configure WW for your game in the global settings and then you can add entities via the point entity tools.


Here you can see I configured WW for Black Mesa. Now all the entities are available in the Entity button on the Wall Worm Level Design Toolbar. When configured, you can load entities in via that menu, use the Wall Worm > Wall Worm Importers > Mass Model Fetch, or by going to the Create Tab in the Command Panel, changing the category to Wall Worm, and adding entity objects in the scene with the Source Model object type.

Those model nodes include a field called World Model. That will be the model that will load directly in Max, and the VMF Exporter will place those entities in the world when you export.
I don't understand how else to explain what I want to do. I'm not interested in mapping in 3ds max at all, I don't need to create any models from the game like prop_static.

Imagine. I have a 3ds max scene with objects from somewhere. Doesn't matter. I just want to get a vmf with their coordinates and name. I don't need anything else. Is it really that hard to understand?

I don't care at all whether it will be prop_static or prop_physics or prop_dynamic, even npc_alyx, as long as I have xyz coordinates + rotation angle and the name of the original mesh that was in 3ds max. The rest I will edit myself using a text editor.
It seems that this is not it. As I understand it, here you are talking about something like combining models, for example, the CSGO compiler did this at one time, combining a bunch of identical models into one whole model.

I mean that I need to do the following: for example, I have CUBE1 and CUBE2 meshes in the scene. I just want prop_static entities to appear there after exporting to VMF, in the properties of which in the World Model field it will be written "CUBE1" and "CUBE2". I don't want to merge anything, I just need to transfer the coordinates of the meshes and their names, I will do the rest myself.
Example -

When I asked this question, I had to manually enter the name into the properties of each model, there were about 100 such models, it was hellish work.
Bug Reports / Conflict with FractureVoronoi script
October 31, 2024, 02:47:57 AM
There was a need to use the FractureVoronoi script. I was surprised to find that it completely breaks when WallWorm is installed in 3ds max.
I have 3ds max 2012 and 2020 installed. Both have this bug. Is there any way to fix it?

I've looked all over the internet and can't find the following information on WallWorm anywhere:

For example I have a scene with a bunch of different models. I simply want to export VMFs with their coordinates (xyz and angles). I don't need to compile anything or create mdl from them.

That is, for example, I open WallWorm - WallWorm Level Design - Point Entities. I select the required meshes in the scene, select prop_static and click the "Selection As Point Entity" button. After which, yes, the meshes turn into prop_static and are exported to vmf, but not a single entity has at least a model name in the World Model field. How can I make the field "world model" at least fit the name of the original mesh from the scene???
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