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Messages - wallworm

Just a quick update as I've had a few inquiries in the last couple of weeks. I'm still stalled on updating WW for S2 and haven't made appreciable progress since the last post. I still fully intend to continue the S2 work but just haven't had the energy after my day-job these days.

In terms of next steps, I still need to get proper brush/displacements exporting followed by more material exports. Blend materials is high on list and I also plan to add support for the OpenPBR material that is now in Max 2025.3.
Bug Reports / Re: Conflict with fbx Import
December 21, 2024, 07:29:07 PM
There isn't a setting for that ATM, but you could write a startup script to do that. Note if you did do that, a vast percentage of the functions in WW will not work correctly. Ideally I can figure out why the particular FBX imports can cause this as these functions have been running on a large number of computers for years without the issue popping up.
Bug Reports / Re: Conflict with fbx Import
December 12, 2024, 11:00:23 AM
Thanks for sharing. I know the line of code that is choking in WW, but I don't know how the specific files can cause the problem. I'll look into an official solution, but for the moment the work around above is the solution. Did you test it?
Thanks. So I looked at the code and literally have no clue how the FBX importer is creating this problem with some specific files. It looks to me that the FBX Importer itself is creating some unexpected nodes from these specific files. Can you inform me of the file origins?

I did find a workaround for you in the meantime.

If you click Wall Worm > Wall Worm Utilities > Toggle Wall Worm Events the functions that scan nodes added to the scene will become disabled and you won't get the error.


Do note that this effectively turns off Wall Worm management system and many things won't work correctly in WW (like VMF Export, etc) until you turn it on and reload a scene or restart Max.
I verified the problem but it's totally baffling me as to why the error is happening. It's straight vanilla MAXScript wrapped in some validation and this code has been running for years across countless environments without issue. So I'm not clear on the issue. I've asked a fellow MAXScripter for some extra eyes on the issue. I'll let you know if I find anything.
Thank you for reporting. I will try to investigate this.
General Discussion / Re: USD Talk
December 05, 2024, 10:48:11 AM
The Max USD plugin is now Open Source on Github.
Glad it works. Sorry I hadn't re-read more diligently earlier :)
Bug Reports / Re: Conflict with FractureVoronoi script
November 04, 2024, 08:39:13 AM
Glad to hear :)
I haven't had a lot of time to work on WW for several months. I learned this week that WW had been causing pop-up errors for CS2 because the FGD Parser in WW wasn't supporting some new changes in the FGD.

I took time to address that problem today and put out WW 6.2.

The items I want to look at next are proper Brush/Displacement support and Blend Materials. Those are the two items outstanding to get the full level design workflow in S2 on par with S1. As it stands, the brush export only works for single mesh brushes and the UVs are not correct. Displacement support is currently missing in full. I am hopeful I can find some time over the Christmas holidays to do that.
Sorry, I re-read your posts from the beginning. Obviously I only skimmed some of the posts (probably between meetings at work) as I now realize what you are asking.

  • Use the Selection as Point Entity button you mentioned in OP
  • Once all have the entity, select them all
  • Run following snippet in MAXScript Listener:

for obj in selection do obj.model =
Wall Worm News / Wall Worm 6.2 Released
November 03, 2024, 12:05:09 PM
Version 6.2.0 released on 11-3-2024

* FGD: Fixed the FGD Parser for CS2 in Max 2022+. There were changes in the CS2 FGD files that had stopped the WW Parser from working.
* FGD: Updated the FGD Parser to no longer use a messagebox to inform of parse errors. Now the errors are only put into the MAXScript listener.
* Convert Scene to Model: Updated the tool to clear the undo buffer to avoid potential crashes when using Undo with that tool.

* CSV Report: Fixed script error if running the CSV Report when no displacement functions had been loaded.
* Materials: Fixed MAXScript error when loading some older scenes created with Wall Worm.
* Security: Updated digital signatures for DLLs and EXE.
* Security: Updated build system to stop signing MAXScript files since the AdskSignTools.exe does not support modern certificate requirements.
Bug Reports / Re: Conflict with FractureVoronoi script
November 03, 2024, 12:03:16 PM
Those are three lines of code to run in sequence in the MAXScript listener. Or open the MAXScript Editor and paste the entire lines and execute the script in full.
The VMF Exporter is already set up to export the Source Model object type to VMF. Plop one down, set the World Model path in the MDL properties and export. It will include the position and rotations for that entity. The tools above are simply the way you make them.

If you don't have the game configured, the Source Model object will simply appear as a box--which will essentially be what you are looking for if you don't want to load in the MDL in the viewport.

Bug Reports / Re: Conflict with FractureVoronoi script
November 01, 2024, 07:02:14 PM
Additional information:

To permanently turn on the Wall Worm Slice modifier options:

::wallwormSlicemodOps.AutoSliceMod = true

or to permanently turn it off:

::wallwormSlicemodOps.AutoSliceMod = false
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