So I have been trying to export static prop models using Wall Worm model tools but have been having some problems.
The problem is that when I export the static props, the orientation in Hammer world editor is wrong. I have been able to get some of the models to work in the right orientation but other models just don't work.
I have made a standard model and just copying to create a bigger model. Could that be the problem? So I made one tree and copy pasted the tree and grouped them into one object, I then put a WWMT helper on it and exported it. I've tried using xForm to clear the transformation and then converted it back to editable poly but that didn't work. I was wondering what else I could do to make sure the orientation comes out correctly. Here are some pictures to help with the problem.
3ds Max Orientation:
Hammer Orientation:
It's hard to say without the file. Generally speaking, this problem occurs because of an XForm problem, but since you've reset it. If so, you need to both export the MODEL in WWMT as well as then re-export the level (VMF).
Feel free to send me an archive (File > Save As... > Archive ) and I will see if I can reproduce the problem and/or find a solution. My email is in the WWMT ZIP file in the readme.txt.
Thanks for the reply. I will send you the archive. I have tried exporting both the WWMT model and the VMF but that did nothing.
I am looking at the file now. I'll share any input I have soon.
I have discovered the fiend. Not only do you have to reset the XForm, but you also have to sometimes go to the Hierarchy Panel and click the Reset Transform and Reset Scale buttons. That solved the problem for me in the scene.
Remember that you'll have to re-export both the model and very likely the VMF as well because the angles in the VMF could also have been invalidated as well as the compiled model.
I strongly suggest reading this article called My Model Scale is Wrong (http://dev.wallworm.com/document/127/my_model_scale_is_wrong.html). Even though your model seemed to be rotated incorrectly instead of scaled, in 3ds Max the scale and rotation are tied intimately in the object's transformation.
The best advice is to never scale at the object level. When you do, you need to reset xform (as you did) but also often delete the extra offset transformations.
Let me know how this helps.
And BTW, WW 2.0 is coming out soon. I hope you enjoy using it and continue to share screen sots of your work.
Also... I noticed that you used Proxies (which is great!) ... however, a Proxy cannot be scaled. So make sure that before creating a proxy in WW, the model it's derived from has its xform reset and the offset transforms reset. If you don't do this, the proxy in Max won't match the scale and/or orientation in game.
Alright, thanks for tips. I'll try it out and let you know how it goes. Thanks again!
I definitely enjoy this tool as it has made map making so much easier than doing it in Hammer. I will definitely share screenshots of what I am doing as I am pretty excited about this map.
You have done the Source modding community a great favor and I thank you for that. I can't wait to try out WW 2.0!
Edit: So after playing around and using your tips, it works beautifully. Thank you so much for the quick reply! This headache has been going on for a couple days and only when I exhausted my knowledge and Google skills did I decide to ask here. You are amazing and keep doing what you are doing. Thanks!
Quote from: Steeldrgn on April 20, 2014, 09:29:39 AM
I definitely enjoy this tool as it has made map making so much easier than doing it in Hammer. I will definitely share screenshots of what I am doing as I am pretty excited about this map.
You have done the Source modding community a great favor and I thank you for that. I can't wait to try out WW 2.0!
I am glad you said this. I've been battling for years with people the concept of Max as a level editor. I've grown weary of hearing that it's "stupid" or "dumb", etc. So when I see others enjoying this capability, it helps raise my spirits regarding this topic. Spread the word! :)
Quote from: Steeldrgn on April 20, 2014, 09:29:39 AM
Edit: So after playing around and using your tips, it works beautifully. Thank you so much for the quick reply! This headache has been going on for a couple days and only when I exhausted my knowledge and Google skills did I decide to ask here. You are amazing and keep doing what you are doing. Thanks!
The scaling issue is something that, unfortunately, the artist simply has to learn. I have thought about adding some programmatic solution into WW, but the truth is that, even if possible, it hides the users from something that they really need to learn. For example, the scaling issue is not just a WW consideration. You never want to scale bones, or hierarchy objects in animations, etc... unless you intend to have the unintended consequences :) So in the end I think it is just best to force users to learn this fundamental aspect of 3ds Max.