Wall Worm Forums

Design Tools => Wall Worm Model Tools => WWMT Questions => Topic started by: kinggambit on April 12, 2014, 09:38:56 PM

Title: How to duplicate objects w/o messing up WWMT?
Post by: kinggambit on April 12, 2014, 09:38:56 PM
I have 2 similar but different train models. The first one I modeled, mapped, and exported successfully.

However, I duplicated my second train by shift-dragging, then manipulated the parts I wanted to change. When I go to select an object in WWMT, it will recognize the original model of the first train (so if i clicked on hide, the first train would disappear but nothing from the second train).

Am I going about this the wrong way? I'm assuming there's some attribute that's applied to the original object so that it's transferred over when duplicated. I just don't know how to remove those attributes.
Title: Re: How to duplicate objects w/o messing up WWMT?
Post by: wallworm on April 12, 2014, 11:41:56 PM
This is a quirk in WWMT. If you want to copy the root mesh in a WWMT struct, the name binding it to a WWMT helper is stored in the user data of the node. The clear this, you can do one of these:

* Right-click the copied mesh, choose Object Properties, open the User Defined Tab and remove the line that begins with: "wwmt_source = "

* Or select the mesh and open the WWMT floater, scroll down to the Utilities rollout and then click the Clear WWMT button.

There is a major update to WWMT coming out soon that may alleviate this altogether.
Title: Re: How to duplicate objects w/o messing up WWMT?
Post by: kinggambit on April 13, 2014, 05:33:30 PM
Ah awesome, thanks Shawn!  ;D

So glad that I switched from Maya to 3DS Max. WWMT so much help for source modeling!
Title: Re: How to duplicate objects w/o messing up WWMT?
Post by: wallworm on April 13, 2014, 08:58:08 PM
Spread the word brother! :)
Title: Re: How to duplicate objects w/o messing up WWMT?
Post by: wallworm on April 16, 2014, 10:26:09 AM
So I'm working on WW 2.0 and this quirk has been removed. If you want to test the 2.0 update, feel free to contact me directly.