Wall Worm Forums

Design Tools => Wall Worm Model Tools => WWMT Questions => Topic started by: Inuhitman on February 03, 2014, 06:37:54 AM

Title: Collision problem
Post by: Inuhitman on February 03, 2014, 06:37:54 AM
I have a problem with collision for animating model :
1. 30 bones
2. Skinned model  - Skin modifier with all bones
3. Skinned collision (concave hull as single mesh ,each part was skinned and have unique smooth group) - Skin modifier with 2 bones
4. After export i have not concave collision
Look at picture http://savepic.net/4471633.htm

If i create bone for each collision part - it's work .Have another way ?
Title: Re: Collision problem
Post by: wallworm on February 03, 2014, 11:13:30 AM
Unfortunately, this is most likely a hard-coded result in the Valve studiomdl.exe program. All hulls that are skinned to a bone get collapsed into a single convex hull at compile time (after WW has sent the model to Valve's tools). I don't think there is anything we can do about this. Maybe there is some compile parameter that I do not know of to alter this, but it isn't documented anywhere I've seen.

You solution is to skin each individual hull to a specific bone. The easiest method is this:

Break the hull into separate meshes.

Open Hull Helper in WW, select all the hull pieces, and click the button Skin on Each Object Selected.

Now select each piece, Add Bone and add 1 and only one bone for each hull part. Do not use the same bone between any parts.

Remember to then reassign all these new meshes to the Hull list (select all the hulls and hit Add CM Sel in WWMT).

Here is more info and tips on hulls (http://dev.wallworm.com/document/69/collision_hulls_in_3ds_max_for_source.html).

Not directly related to your question but just my observation and 2-cents. If I were making this model and was not told specifically that there needs to be an extremely high-level of detail in the collision, I would probably only have 1 hull part that represents the door that opens. The doorway rim would probably be butted up against world geometry that already collides, and the player would probably not notice any difference. The model would be much less expensive that way and would only require 2 bones instead of 30.

And just for extra food for thought, here is a method you can use for building animated models faster (with no skinning except for the hull pieces). It is the method I prefer for mechanical things (like your door).

Title: Re: Collision problem
Post by: Inuhitman on February 04, 2014, 12:29:20 AM
Thank you for your answer. Will be trying :)