Wall Worm Forums

Design Tools => Wall Worm Model Tools => WWMT Questions => Topic started by: Bjorn on January 21, 2014, 11:23:45 AM

Title: Error message when compiling textures
Post by: Bjorn on January 21, 2014, 11:23:45 AM
Hi again,

I've run in to another problem, this time when I'm trying to export textures. I've tried to find an answer to this online but haven't had any luck.

Basically when I run the VTF exporter and the DOS command window appears. However, it gives me this error:
MountFileSystem< 317 > failed: SteamMountFileSystem< 9904, 317, 0x14c1f7e8 = ,0x14c1 f6d8 >
failed with error 5: No CS online with App 317 Ver 10Hit a key to continue

When I hit a key the compiler closes and nothing has been exported. I have checked my paths and everything seems to be in order there.
Title: Re: Error message when compiling textures
Post by: wallworm on January 21, 2014, 11:58:29 AM
My first guess is that Steam needs to restart.
Title: Re: Error message when compiling textures
Post by: Bjorn on January 21, 2014, 12:15:06 PM
Just tried that and unfortunately the error message still comes up.
Title: Re: Error message when compiling textures
Post by: wallworm on January 21, 2014, 12:16:27 PM
Not sure what to say. Perhaps share a screen shot of your global settings as well as the compile window.
Title: Re: Error message when compiling textures
Post by: Bjorn on January 21, 2014, 12:27:14 PM
Thanks for the quick reply! I've attached two screenshots of my global settings and of the compile window.

Title: Re: Error message when compiling textures
Post by: wallworm on January 21, 2014, 01:41:48 PM
Perhaps there is something amiss with the paths and the vtex.exe in use. I suggest using the Settings Importer to read the GameConfig.txt that comes with your mod to set the preferred paths. This link should go straight to the part of the video explaining that: http://youtu.be/Yn7xiiyPSdU?t=2m7s (http://youtu.be/Yn7xiiyPSdU?t=2m7s)

After importing your mod, select the mod from the preset list in the settings and then try exporting the textures.
Title: Re: Error message when compiling textures
Post by: Bjorn on January 27, 2014, 06:42:19 AM
I followed the instructions from the video and it sorted the problem!
However, I've just gotten a new error message thrown at me while trying to export textures. Now I get a message saying error: "attempt to access deleted scene object"
Not sure why this happens as it only appears when I try to export textures for some objects.
Is this anything you've come across before?
Title: Re: Error message when compiling textures
Post by: wallworm on January 27, 2014, 10:29:13 AM
I'm not sure what is going on but here is my best guess: WWMT does not have a "live" link to the objects in it. When an object that is part of it's mesh list is deleted without first un-associating it, it can sometimes make these kinds of messages. Generally, use the unnassociation button before deleting an object.

The quick fix is to close WWMT, reopen it, reassign the WWMT helper to the UI and then go again. When you pick the helper, it sanitizes the object list.

If that doesn't solve it, use Save As > Archive and send me the ZIP file and I can see what is causing the bug.