Wall Worm Forums

Design Tools => Wall Worm Model Tools => WWMT Questions => Topic started by: shatteredwings on October 28, 2013, 10:26:04 AM

Title: Newbie Question about SMD importing.
Post by: shatteredwings on October 28, 2013, 10:26:04 AM
Hello everyone. I am new to WW and am mostly use to Wonderboys SMD importing plugin for 3ds max 2012.. I have since moved over to 2013 and WW is currently the only available importer/exporter. Now this is my problem. I was wondering how I can import my SMD model as one single piece, skeleton connected to the skin and all that good stuff *If you ever used wonderboys plugin you should understand the concept*.

But whenever I import an SMD model with WW, my mesh is detached from the skeleton, the extra pieces such as the eyes, teeth, tongue, are all separated. So I was wondering how I can get them all as a single piece. I mostly need them as one single model for the purpose of rigging them via CAT for animations. I currently have a work around *I import then through 2012 old plugin, then save file as .max and use that in 2013*... So I was wondering if I just have been doing something wrong, or maybe if this was even possible with WW.

Thanks for any help guys.
Title: Re: Newbie Question about SMD importing.
Post by: wallworm on October 28, 2013, 01:13:01 PM
Welcome to WW!

Well... a couple of things to keep in mind. The vast majority of the tools I build are directly related to creating content in Max and then sending it to Source. The SMD importer was never a priority of mine ... and until earlier this year I had never actually imported an SMD into Max. But Corey Nguyen wrote the SMD importer and donated it to Wall Worm, so it is now included.

I have done random updates to it mostly for static props. I do not think that it currently imports any animations... and as for skinned meshes you may need to experiment. In recent versions of WW you can click the Collapse Mesh option on the importer and it will make a single mesh... but I have not tested that with Skin.

I may tackle the importer at some future time to fully flesh it out along with, potentially, a DMX importer. But as my time is limited and I have no real incentive to do this personally, it will likely wait until someone pays for these specific additions.