Wall Worm Forums

Design Tools => Wall Worm Model Tools => WWMT Questions => Topic started by: N0dnarbvh on October 13, 2013, 07:00:23 PM

Title: Imported model showing up solid color
Post by: N0dnarbvh on October 13, 2013, 07:00:23 PM
I have successfully import a couple models with the Wall Worm tool. Let me just say that they are fantastic!

I do have a problem with my latest import though. I made a model that currently sits at 2468 polys. I have a specular and a diffuse map applied to it, both maps are 2048x2048. It exports both the model and the textures with no apparent problem. When I place the model inside of the hammer engine (TF2) it appears a solid bright red color. This color does appear on my diffuse texture but is only a small portion of the diffuse texture. So I'm only guessing that it is a texture size issue, or somehow the texture is being re-sized by the hammer editor? Is t his possible and have you encountered this before?

http://imgur.com/Slhl9gK      http://imgur.com/spQBwFU

If you need to see the files I can post them.

Thank you!
Title: Re: Imported model showing up solid color
Post by: wallworm on October 13, 2013, 08:41:21 PM
I've not encountered this myself... you may need to post the file.
Title: Re: Imported model showing up solid color
Post by: N0dnarbvh on October 19, 2013, 02:07:34 PM
Apparently even when compressed with 7-zip the file is too large, may I e-mail it to you?
Title: Re: Imported model showing up solid color
Post by: N0dnarbvh on October 20, 2013, 05:47:08 PM
So I figured out the issue, the hammer engine was referencing a test material that I had previously imported. I now have the model imported but it needs to be re-sized. When I go back into max and scale up the model to the size I want and then re-export/import into hammer the model remains that same small size and is not any larger. Is there something I am missing here? Normally if you re-size the model and re-export/import it will be the size you scaled it to. I have gone into the file paths and deleted the small size model and re-exported but the model remains the same size in Hammer.
Title: Re: Imported model showing up solid color
Post by: dessertmonkey on October 20, 2013, 07:32:20 PM
I had this same issue before (it showed up purple instead of red though... no idea) and as soon as I tried to reexport the model (or was it vmt/vtf?), it wouldn't let me saying there wasn't a texture assigned. Which there was.

I solved it by deleting the WWMT helper for the model entirely and recreated it, adding the settings I had before. It let me export it after that so I assuming something got stuck.

I think the $scale command in the .qc file needs to be before the reference file as it affects everything below it. Check the .qc file that WWMT generates and see if that is the case and if not, just move it before the $model command. If doing both this and recreating the WWMT helper doesn't fix it, I'm out of ideas.
Title: Re: Imported model showing up solid color
Post by: wallworm on October 20, 2013, 07:51:59 PM
99% of the time, the problem with exported model scale is because you've scaled a model at the object level and never reset the XForm. Many people do not understand that when you scale a model, you are affecting it's transformation matrix... which affects many things in Max in unexpected ways. That includes Wall Worm.

I suggest you read this article: My Model Scale is Wrong (http://dev.wallworm.com/document/127/my_model_scale_is_wrong.html). It will both explain what is going on, give a set of solutions, and give tips on avoiding this scenario.