Hey guys,
Just wondering if anybody has had this issue before.
Every time I go to export my model, I seem to get a weird issue where the material name of the object in question reverts back to Object01, from window_01 which it should be called.
Anybody got any thoughts on why this could be happening?
I think I need some more clarification on the problem.
What material is reverting? Is it the material name inside 3ds Max or the VMT material? Or is it the material name that appears for the faces in the SMD?
Which SMD Exporter is WW using in the global settings? It's preferred at this point to use the WW SMD Exporter. With that exporter, you should also make sure that the global material settings do not use any of the two legacy settings (which are for the Wunderboy and Canonfodder exporters, which I have stopped testing).
If possible, share a screen shot of your global WW settings as well as a sample file that is having this problem.
The material name in the VMT is fine, I can export VMTs without an issue. The issue is that every time I press export on my model, even with my material named properly in Max, as soon as the cmd window comes up, I can see the material name revert to Object01 in the max material window, and the cmd window references 'Object01'.
I have checked the SMD and it also refers to 'Object01'. Its only when I hit export for some reason, it wont read my material name change.
I have tried it with other models, for example Box01, and even when I rename the object, the material still seems to revert to what it was first called, in this case where I changed the material of Box01 to something like 'testmaterial', the material still reverted back to Box01.
I am also not using any of the legacy texture options, and Im using WW SMD.
Im on my way to work now so I wont be able to get you any files or screenshots, but Ill update later. If you have any further thoughts, let me know!
I'm at a loss to explain this. There may be something about the model and/or a logic error in WW. I think I'll need a file to figure it out.
Ok, that's understandable. I'll send you a file later which should hopefully re-create the issue.
Here are the files I'm using (might still be uploading!)
Here are my settings, and also a screenshot of my export settings, and what the material name reverts back to.
And here's a shot of the export process:
Interestingly, I tried doing the exact same thing with these assets in Max 2013, and it works fine.. So it seems to be an issue with 3ds max 2010. Hmm, any idea?
I would doubt it is a specific problem with Max 2010 vs 2013 ... but it is possible. It is more likely some setting that is different between your two versions of Max. (For example, are the global WW settings identical between the two versions?)
All exported fine for me in Max 2014. So I will open 2010 and try (first time I've opened that version for some time :) ) Maybe there is a bug.
Well I exported the model without incident in both Max 2010 and Max 2014. Although the file you loaded does have the name Object1 for the material itself. So I changed that name in the Material Editor to Window1, it exported as such, and it compiled as such.
Is it possible that you are confusing the way the VMT file name is derived in WW? Unless the legacy options are on (which I do not recommend) the VMT name comes from the Material name instead of the diffuse bitmap file name (as was the way in the older SMD Exporters). The reason I did this was to be more robust and to more easily re-use bitmaps between different materials.
I know that is confusing for people who are used to the old SMD Exporter methodology (and new users who get tutorials demonstrating the older ways) but believe me that the new method is simply better. Whatever you expect the VMT to be named, name it in the Material name slot. And then let the name of the BITMAP NODES be the path to where the bitmap saves to (which I see you did in the material editor).
Let me know if that clears it up!
That is very odd... I was doing exactly the same as you just tried but it still caused issues for me. I change the material name in Max to Window_01, and when I export, it for some reason reverts back to Object01, which is strange because Object01 isnt referred to at all in this scene.
Well, it must be a weird conflict with a script or something I have set up in my max. Perhaps I didnt install the tools correctly or something; Ill try reinstalling perhaps.
Anyway, for the time being, I can export just fine from 2014, so no biggy! Ill ipdate this thread if ever I figure it out.
Thanks for looking into it, I really appreciate it! And apologies for the awful formatting; im on mobile at the moment!
Well at least you have option of newer Max. (And after opening 2010 again, I am reminded about how much I love 2014!)
Anyway, glad to have you here. Please feel free to randomly share screen shots of your projects. I wish more people would show off their work on the forums here :)
Will do man! Thanks once again, and also thanks for providing us with such a great toolset. It really does make compiling for Source so much easier and Ive barely scratched the surface of the tools at the moment :)