Wall Worm Forums

Design Tools => Wall Worm News => Topic started by: wallworm on November 03, 2024, 12:05:09 PM

Title: Wall Worm 6.2 Released
Post by: wallworm on November 03, 2024, 12:05:09 PM
Version 6.2.0 released on 11-3-2024

* FGD: Fixed the FGD Parser for CS2 in Max 2022+. There were changes in the CS2 FGD files that had stopped the WW Parser from working.
* FGD: Updated the FGD Parser to no longer use a messagebox to inform of parse errors. Now the errors are only put into the MAXScript listener.
* Convert Scene to Model: Updated the tool to clear the undo buffer to avoid potential crashes when using Undo with that tool.

* CSV Report: Fixed script error if running the CSV Report when no displacement functions had been loaded.
* Materials: Fixed MAXScript error when loading some older scenes created with Wall Worm.
* Security: Updated digital signatures for DLLs and EXE.
* Security: Updated build system to stop signing MAXScript files since the AdskSignTools.exe does not support modern certificate requirements.