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Design Tools => Wall Worm Model Tools => WWMT Questions => Topic started by: Sagehorn on August 27, 2013, 12:23:50 PM

Title: Export Sub-Materials to TGA
Post by: Sagehorn on August 27, 2013, 12:23:50 PM
Hi there

I'm trying to convert a google sketchup model to valves mdl and it works but just without textures.
The skp import created a model with some submaterials in it and i dont know how to render them correctly.
Afaik I have to save all of them separately, but i'm no 3dmax (2010) expert. Can anybody tell me, how to get them one by one?

edit: At the moment it looks like on the image i attached. I really don't understand what i have to do here. There are different VMT materials and corresponding vtf files. Looks like I have to insert a folder name, but on the right side, they all have the same filename 0o

I also don't understand why the tool always writes in "baked_Material #858_NormalsMap" while I always use my own project names...

The error I get then is classic again:

ERROR: Problem figuring out outputdir for C:/Users/***/Documents/Gamedesign/Models/Bahnhaus/Bahnhaus
Title: Re: Export Sub-Materials to TGA
Post by: wallworm on August 27, 2013, 04:07:21 PM
This video should give you the main intel you need:

I haven't necessarily had time to update all the docs on the site to reflect all of the latest tools and functions and steps in WW. But that video should get you on your way.
Title: Re: Export Sub-Materials to TGA
Post by: Sagehorn on August 28, 2013, 12:30:31 AM
Thinks for the video

First of all, I changed to 3d max 2014.
Besides this, I put all the textures of the submaterials into one texture/material, so that they are unwrapped.
So far so good, but the problem is still the same: The tool gives me an error with the outputdir.
Maybe I haven't understood the mechanism in the many hours I tried it. ^^
At the moment I can't even click on the Export VTFs button, because it says, that there is no tga file.
I dont understand that, because it's in my editing folder. So what I tried instead is creating the vtf with the brush texture exporter. But there occurs the error message I already mentioned.
Title: Re: Export Sub-Materials to TGA
Post by: wallworm on August 28, 2013, 07:31:56 AM
I believe the problem with the output directory is because WW is not set up correctly. For the Source Game Engine's texture compiler to work, all original bitmaps must reside inside the SDK Content folders. Why this is true for textures but not models and maps, I do not know.

Wall Worm will place these in the correct path... but you must have it set up to do this. In you global settings, make sure that the materialsrc path is set correctly.

Please Read the Understanding How to Set Up Paths documentation (http://dev.wallworm.com/document/77/understanding_how_to_set_up_paths.html) for WW.
Title: Re: Export Sub-Materials to TGA
Post by: Sagehorn on August 28, 2013, 11:44:50 AM
lol, thx..  no problem now  ;D
Title: Re: Export Sub-Materials to TGA
Post by: Sagehorn on August 28, 2013, 01:35:29 PM
Okay, a last thing:

My exported model has some flawed faces, that aren't converted correctly. They are just missing.
Any idea how to fix it? It's actually a pretty simple model..
Title: Re: Export Sub-Materials to TGA
Post by: wallworm on August 28, 2013, 02:46:48 PM
I've never had this problem. Without seeing the model and WWMT set up... it's hard to say. Send me the model and I will look at it when I get a free minute.
Title: Re: Export Sub-Materials to TGA
Post by: Sagehorn on August 30, 2013, 01:45:56 PM
Okay, I found the problem. Sketchup by default cuts objects, which are not grouped. This isn't noticeable while importing or editing, but after compiling there are always some face errors.

Thx again & GW! :)
Title: Re: Export Sub-Materials to TGA
Post by: wallworm on August 30, 2013, 07:45:05 PM
Without seeing the model, it's hard to say what causes the export to miss faces. My guess is that the model is actually composed of multiple objects... and the WWMT helper only has one assigned. If you press the Hide button in WWMT and parts stay visible, then it means those parts are not tied to the WWMT helper. If so, simply select the objects and hit Add Sel in the WWMT UI.