Every time I start up 3DSmax I get the following error message (taken from the listener).
-- Error occurred during fileIn in <ReadonlyTextFileStream:0x0000cef8>; line number: 34
>> MAXScript Auto-load Script Error - D:\Autodesk\3ds Max Design 2013\PlugIns\Maxscript\smdbatch.ms Exception:
-- Type error: Call needs function or class, got: undefined <<
What should I do to fix this? At the same time I have problems with importing GameInfo.txt into the settings and importing SMD files which might be related to this error.
Thanks in advance.
There are a few separate problems going on here.
1) The type error in smdbatch.ms is probably because you are missing the SMD Exporter plugin that file expects. My assumption is that you've either copied files from an older version of 3ds Max and/or downloaded a file to install. There is a smdbatch.ms file that comes with the Wunderboy SMD Exporter. If that is what the problem is, you need to delete that smdbatch.ms and the Wunderboy SMD exporter because there is no version of that plugin for Max 2013+. Not to worry , though, because Wall Worm has its own SMD Exporter now.
2) When you say you are having a problem importing GameInfo.txt ... you must clarify. Wall Worm does not import such a file. However, WW does import game settings from a file called GameConfig.txt. Maybe the problem you are having is importing the wrong file?
3) When you say you are having a problem importing SMDs... you must again clarify. I've noticed many people say refer to the phrase "import SMD" from the perspective of Source and mean importing the SMD into the game. This often creates a little communication problem since I respond from the perspective of 3ds Max where you import the SMD into Max and then export it to Source. So please clarify exactly what you mean as well as what, exactly, is the problem you are having?
Sorry for being so unclear.
1) That seems to have done the trick, thanks! I'm not getting any runtime errors on startup. however one other problem remains.
2) Yup I was targeting the wrong file and thought that GameInfo would do the trick as well, I hang my head in shame.
3) What I want to do is import Valve SMDs into 3DS max 2013. An example would be the model found on this page in case you want to look at the files yourself: http://www.dota2.com/workshop/requirements/Lina (http://www.dota2.com/workshop/requirements/Lina)
I load it up and I get a an error message of "-- Runtime error: Bone index out of range: 0"
Here is the listener log that shows some error lines. I have bolded the red error messages I got for visibility:
Welcome to MAXScript.
"Looking for: \materials\\lina_base.vmt"
"Looking for: \materialsrc\lina_base.vmt"
"Looking for: $maps\lina_base.vmt"
-- Error occurred in x loop; filename: D:\Autodesk\3ds Max Design 2013\scripts\WallWorm.com\importers\Mario_Kart_SMD_Importer.ms; position: 10681; line: 317
-- Frame:
-- x: 1
-- bi: #(0)
-- bw: #(1)
-- called in i loop; filename: D:\Autodesk\3ds Max Design 2013\scripts\WallWorm.com\importers\Mario_Kart_SMD_Importer.ms; position: 10714; line: 320
-- Frame:
-- faceArray: #([1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9], [9,8,10], [4,11,12], [8,13,10], [10,13,4], [11,14,12], [14,15,16], [4,13,5], [17,18,14], [14,18,19], [20,10,12], [12,10,4], [3,21,1], [1,21,22], [3,2,5], [11,23,14], [14,23,15], [24,5,2], ...)
-- i: 1
-- theVMT: undefined
-- skinMod: Skin:Skin
-- vert_count: 2794
-- boneIDMap: #(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ...)
-- uvwArray: #([0.30318,0.957889,0], [0.29662,0.958084,0], [0.296529,0.935385,0], [0.288096,0.956245,0], [0.293398,0.956123,0], [0.291002,0.957631,0], [0.246371,0.933677,0], [0.26116,0.932377,0], [0.248539,0.956659,0], [0.262528,0.954055,0], [0.288137,0.96018,0], [0.281322,0.959412,0], [0.28427,0.933891,0], [0.290839,0.964903,0], [0.296511,0.961772,0], [0.300777,0.966833,0], [0.298753,0.974568,0], [0.252479,0.985436,0], [0.248943,0.964427,0], [0.249022,0.959739,0], ...)
-- normArray: #([-0.003863,0.879909,0.475126], [-0.035764,0.966897,0.25265], [-0.39046,-0.246968,0.886875], [-0.437115,0.800937,0.409183], [-0.467195,0.306062,0.829491], [0.327364,0.863159,0.384434], [-0.988288,-0.15232,0.009203], [-0.963859,-0.146127,0.222761], [-0.718642,0.694766,0.029216], [-0.707578,0.683629,0.178841], [0.686115,0.663304,-0.298788], [0.591936,0.760455,-0.267056], [-0.751517,-0.185081,0.633219], [0.66221,0.528871,-0.530824], [-0.035764,0.966897,0.25265], [-0.003863,0.879909,0.475126], [-2e-006,0.929477,-0.368879], [0,0.999496,0.031756], [0.52025,0.840825,-0.149511], [0.393076,0.913873,-0.101626], ...)
-- face_count: 4282
-- basename: "lina_base"
-- vertArray: #([-0.603843,181.925,4.32917], [-1.02404,181.995,4.17263], [-0.88863,179.452,3.55849], [-1.82529,182.072,3.51321], [-1.38632,181.806,3.95959], [-1.3691,182.041,3.78405], [-2.65705,179.532,-0.295634], [-2.60916,179.514,1.06704], [-3.01306,182.057,-0.216197], [-3.02807,182.024,1.10875], [-1.47169,182.015,3.32661], [-1.85842,182.051,2.71343], [-1.78084,179.47,2.93015], [-1.26254,181.419,3.58164], [-1.02404,181.995,4.17263], [-0.603843,181.925,4.32917], [-9.5e-005,181.428,4.03243], [-9.5e-005,181.616,-0.38685], [-2.51346,181.423,-0.256304], [-2.65785,182.015,-0.216196], ...)
-- subMat: lina_base:Standard
-- called in wallworm_import_smd(); filename: D:\Autodesk\3ds Max Design 2013\scripts\WallWorm.com\importers\Mario_Kart_SMD_Importer.ms; position: 10729; line: 323
-- Frame:
-- bone_matrix: (matrix3 [1,0,0] [0,1,0] [0,0,1] [0,0,0])
-- mat: #Multi/Sub-Object:Multimaterial(Standard:lina_base)
-- strArray: #("lina_base", " 75 -0.603843 181.924683 4.329172 -0.003863 0.879909 0.475126 0.30318 0.957889 1 33 1 ", " 75 -1.024036 181.995331 4.172632 -0.035764 0.966897 0.25265 0.29662 0.958084 1 33 1 ", " 75 -0.88863 179.451736 3.558488 -0.39046 -0.246968 0.886875 0.296529 0.935385 1 33 1 ", "lina_base", " 75 -1.825291 182.072281 3.51321 -0.437115 0.800937 0.409183 0.288096 0.956245 1 33 1 ", " 75 -1.386324 181.805511 3.95959 -0.467195 0.306062 0.829491 0.293398 0.956123 1 33 1 ", " 75 -1.369098 182.041046 3.784052 0.327364 0.863159 0.384434 0.291002 0.957631 1 33 1 ", "lina_base", " 75 -2.65705 179.532135 -0.295634 -0.988288 -0.15232 0.009203 0.246371 0.933677 1 33 1 ", " 75 -2.609164 179.514359 1.067041 -0.963859 -0.146127 0.222761 0.26116 0.932377 1 33 1 ", " 75 -3.013057 182.057373 -0.216197 -0.718642 0.694766 0.029216 0.248539 0.956659 1 33 1 ", "lina_base", " 75 -3.013057 182.057373 -0.216197 -0.718642 0.694766 0.029216 0.248539 0.956659 1 33 1 ", " 75 -2.609164 179.514359 1.067041 -0.963859 -0.146127 0.222761 0.26116 0.932377 1 33 1 ", " 75 -3.028073 182.024292 1.108753 -0.707578 0.683629 0.178841 0.262528 0.954055 1 33 1 ", "lina_base", " 75 -1.825291 182.072281 3.51321 -0.437115 0.800937 0.409183 0.288096 0.956245 1 33 1 ", " 75 -1.471695 182.014893 3.326611 0.686115 0.663304 -0.298788 0.288137 0.96018 1 33 1 ", " 75 -1.858417 182.051315 2.713433 0.591936 0.760455 -0.267056 0.281322 0.959412 1 33 1 ", ...)
-- delimited: #("75", "-7.503754", "191.608246", "-4.659362", "-0.995032", "-0.006156", "0.099366", "1.295803", "0.788685", "1", "33", "1")
-- relativetoworld: relativetoworld()
-- boneArray: #($Bone001, $Bone002, $Bone003, $Bone004, $Bone005, $Bone006, $Bone007, $Bone008, $Bone009, $Bone010, $Bone011, $Bone012, $Bone013, $Bone014, $Bone015, $Bone016, $Bone017, $Bone018, $Bone019, $Bone020, ...)
-- num_elements: 1
-- materialp: undefined
-- buildSkn: true
-- parseblock: parseblock()
-- smd_format: StructDef:smd_format
-- smd_triangles: StructDef:smd_triangles
-- bone_count: 76
-- buildMsh: true
-- smd_skeleton: StructDef:smd_skeleton
-- smd_nodes: StructDef:smd_nodes
-- fsource: "G:\Project\DOTA2\lina\models\heroes\lina\smd\lina_body.smd"
-- smd_bone: StructDef:smd_bone
-- mat_id: 1
-- f: <MixinInterface:memStream>
-- smdArray: (smd_format header:(smd_header version:"// EDITOR=maya 2012 Hotfix 4") nodes:(smd_nodes index:#() name:#() parent:#()) Skeleton:(smd_skeleton frame:#((smd_bone index:#(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, ...) matrix:#((matrix3 [2.38419e-007,1.19209e-007,1] [1,2.38419e-007,-2.38419e-007] [-2.38419e-007,1,-1.19209e-007] [0,126.537,-2.7017]), (matrix3 [-0.196729,0.00892943,0.980417] [-0.00175604,-0.99996,0.00875506] [0.980456,7.28294e-007,0.196737] [7.8293,-7.84807,-7.61071]), (matrix3 [1,0,0] [0,1,0] [0,0,1] [-32.3334,2.19394,11.8611]), (matrix3 [-0.0173746,0.182601,0.983033] [0.20149,0.963651,-0.17544] [-0.979336,0.195023,-0.0535353] [-2.46967,-10.8522,-6.04517]), (matrix3 [0.965691,0,-0.259695] [0,1,0] [0.259695,0,0.965691] [-45.6524,0,0]), (matrix3 [0.864055,-0.0598969,0.499822] [0.229872,0.930278,-0.285904] [-0.447848,0.361932,0.81758] [-32.9629,0,0]), (matrix3 [-0.583767,0,-0.811921] [0,1,0] [0.811921,0,-0.583767] [-19.8142,0,-5.98517]), (matrix3 [1,0,0] [0,1,0] [0,0,1] [29.1465,0,0]), (matrix3 [0.407592,0.335969,0.849114] [0.145389,-0.941873,0.302881] [0.901516,-2.38419e-007,-0.432746] [-14.373,-11.1082,-6.58478]), (matrix3 [1,0,0] [0,1,0] [0,0,1] [-23.2778,0,0]), (matrix3 [-0.407591,0.335969,-0.849114] [0.145389,0.941873,0.302881] [0.901516,-3.12924e-007,-0.432746] [-14.373,11.1082,-6.58478]), (matrix3 [1,0,0] [0,1,0] [0,0,1] [23.2778,0,0]), (matrix3 [0.0173745,0.182601,-0.983034] [-0.201491,0.963651,0.17544] [0.979336,0.195024,0.0535355] [-2.46967,10.8522,-6.04517]), (matrix3 [0.965691,0,-0.259695] [0,1,0] [0.259695,0,0.965691] [45.6524,0,0]), (matrix3 [0.864055,-0.0598969,0.499822] [0.229872,0.930278,-0.285904] [-0.447848,0.361932,0.81758] [32.9629,0,0]), (matrix3 [0.196729,0.00892956,-0.980417] [-0.0017567,0.99996,0.00875506] [0.980456,0,0.196737] [7.8293,7.84807,-7.61071]), (matrix3 [1,0,0] [0,1,0] [0,0,1] [32.331,1.9252,11.8611]), (matrix3 [-0.0116231,0,0.999932] [0,1,0] [-0.999932,0,-0.0116231] [1.58735,0,14.5254]), (matrix3 [0.87717,0,0.48018] [0,1,0] [-0.48018,0,0.87717] [13.6563,0,0]), (matrix3 [-0.194858,0.951555,-0.23785] [0.0477161,-0.233015,-0.971302] [-0.97967,-0.200615,2.98023e-007] [10.3813,-2.59619,-2.0635]), ...))) Bone:#()) Bones:#() triangles:(smd_triangles material:#("lina_base") geometry:#((smd_vertex parent:#(75, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75, ...) position:#([-0.603843,181.925,4.32917], [-1.02404,181.995,4.17263], [-0.88863,179.452,3.55849], [-1.82529,182.072,3.51321], [-1.38632,181.806,3.95959], [-1.3691,182.041,3.78405], [-2.65705,179.532,-0.295634], [-2.60916,179.514,1.06704], [-3.01306,182.057,-0.216197], [-3.02807,182.024,1.10875], [-1.47169,182.015,3.32661], [-1.85842,182.051,2.71343], [-1.78084,179.47,2.93015], [-1.26254,181.419,3.58164], [-1.02404,181.995,4.17263], [-0.603843,181.925,4.32917], [-9.5e-005,181.428,4.03243], [-9.5e-005,181.616,-0.38685], [-2.51346,181.423,-0.256304], [-2.65785,182.015,-0.216196], ...) normal:#([-0.003863,0.879909,0.475126], [-0.035764,0.966897,0.25265], [-0.39046,-0.246968,0.886875], [-0.437115,0.800937,0.409183], [-0.467195,0.306062,0.829491], [0.327364,0.863159,0.384434], [-0.988288,-0.15232,0.009203], [-0.963859,-0.146127,0.222761], [-0.718642,0.694766,0.029216], [-0.707578,0.683629,0.178841], [0.686115,0.663304,-0.298788], [0.591936,0.760455,-0.267056], [-0.751517,-0.185081,0.633219], [0.66221,0.528871,-0.530824], [-0.035764,0.966897,0.25265], [-0.003863,0.879909,0.475126], [-2e-006,0.929477,-0.368879], [0,0.999496,0.031756], [0.52025,0.840825,-0.149511], [0.393076,0.913873,-0.101626], ...) texture:#([0.30318,0.957889,0], [0.29662,0.958084,0], [0.296529,0.935385,0], [0.288096,0.956245,0], [0.293398,0.956123,0], [0.291002,0.957631,0], [0.246371,0.933677,0], [0.26116,0.932377,0], [0.248539,0.956659,0], [0.262528,0.954055,0], [0.288137,0.96018,0], [0.281322,0.959412,0], [0.28427,0.933891,0], [0.290839,0.964903,0], [0.296511,0.961772,0], [0.300777,0.966833,0], [0.298753,0.974568,0], [0.252479,0.985436,0], [0.248943,0.964427,0], [0.249022,0.959739,0], ...) count:#(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ...) boneID:#(#(0), #(34), #(34), #(34), #(34), #(34), #(34), #(34), #(34), #(34), #(34), #(34), #(34), #(34), #(34), #(34), #(34), #(34), #(34), #(34), ...) weight:#(#(1), #(1), #(1), #(1), #(1), #(1), #(1), #(1), #(1), #(1), #(1), #(1), #(1), #(1), #(1), #(1), #(1), #(1), #(1), #(1), ...) faces:#(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 8, 10, 4, 11, 12, 8, 13, 10, 10, 13, ...)))))
-- face_lookup: #(#([-0.304526,183.762,4.8043], [-0.76318,183.92,4.42528], [-0.982561,180.14,4.44536], [-1.97431,183.829,3.92239], [-1.56012,183.068,4.78908], [-0.750732,183.862,4.16849], [-3.39897,180.313,-0.286431], [-3.31186,180.301,1.2898], [-3.48316,183.709,-0.186981], [-3.47312,183.662,1.28759], [-0.497443,183.638,3.02782], [-0.985159,183.771,2.44638], [-2.24809,180.219,3.56337], [-0.309489,182.913,3.05082], [-0.763289,183.924,4.42528], [-0.306929,183.771,4.8043], [0.298656,183.332,3.66355], [0.252384,183.601,-0.355094], [-1.74426,183.228,-0.405815], [-2.01575,183.888,-0.317822], ...))
-- frame_index: 1
-- bone_index: 76
-- rotateModel: false
-- cnt: 12846
-- msh: $lina_body
-- smd_element: "triangles"
-- buildSkl: true
-- smd_header: StructDef:smd_header
-- smd_vertex: StructDef:smd_vertex
-- called in btnImportSMD.pressed(); filename: D:\Autodesk\3ds Max Design 2013\scripts\WallWorm.com\rollouts\SMDImport.ms; position: 3594; line: 94
-- Frame:
-- wwmt: undefined
-- fsource: "G:\Project\DOTA2\lina\models\heroes\lina\smd\lina_body.smd"
-- msh: undefined
>> MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception:
-- Runtime error: Bone index out of range: 0 <<
Well at least you are getting closer!
I will take a look at the SMD import problem soon.
Also I forgot to mention that I use the 64 bit version of 3DS max 2013.
I tried to import the file and ran into a similar problem. I'm not really sure what the cause is. It could be that the SMD is bad or that it is in a format not really prime for the importer. While I am interested in avoiding the problem in general, for your specific case there is a better and immediate solution.
The lina.zip download file had several formats of the file. It includes the SMD files, the original Maya files and another format called FBX. Max has native support for FBX. So the best solution is to import the file via the native FBX files.
Click File > Import > Link FBX and then bring in the 5 FBX files. You may or may not have to fiddle with the materials... but it shouldn't be too hard. All the TGA files are also included in that zip... so if the FBX importer doesn't automatically create the materials for you, just create new materials with those TGA files.