Option 1: I just don't know!
votes: 2
Option 2: I know but I won't tell you!! >:D
votes: 0
I'm having an issue where whenever I try and SMD export a scene, no matter how complicated it is, I get the following error:
*-- Runtime error: Invalid coordsys context: undefined
Things I've tried to export have ranged from a simple cube to a low poly airplane to a ridiculous character model. I have a friend with the same problem, and another friend who can export things just fine. As far as I know we're all using the same version, the 2013 student version.
I've tried completely reinstalling max and then the plugin but unfortunately it didn't fix anything.
Can you hit F11 to open the MAXScript listener and paste the entire error message here?
Welcome to MAXScript.
There were errors:
* -- Runtime error: Invalid coordsys context: undefined
That's all that shows up.
I've sent you a PM.
I think I now see the problem. I was assuming you were exporting with Wall Worm Model Tools but you were exporting a standalone SMD. I must have broke that exported recently... and I didn't notice because I do 99.999% of my exporting with WWMT and not manual SMDs.
Anyway, I will load a fix shortly.
OK... download the latest version and retry.