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Design Tools => Wall Worm Model Tools => WWMT Questions => Topic started by: joshtrav on July 20, 2013, 04:44:07 PM

Title: [CSGO] default player model alteration
Post by: joshtrav on July 20, 2013, 04:44:07 PM
First off, hello.  I am obviously new to this community and to modeling in general.  I was directed here by a friend so hopefully I can get the ball rolling.

Currently, I am using cannon fodders model decompiler to decompile the stock models in the game.  This seems to be going fine, from what I can tell.  I get the standard test files, ragdoll.smd, model.smd, and the mdldecompile.qc file. 

Here is where I am running into problems.  Lets say I just toss that QC file right back into CSGO with studiomdl and generate the model.  It goes nuts in the model viewer.  It streches and skews all over the viewer.  I also get significant amounts of errors for the test and ragdoll files during compilation about bones being out of bounds.

Once I load the model in game just to see, it works fine, until it dies.  Once that occurs the ragdoll causes a graphical glitch that leaves the current map distorted considerably.  Also to note, when I throw a smoke grenade within game I can see the model through that smoke grenade.

Finally, I was told I was doing something wrong as I am getting a dx90.vtx file from the output, whereas most others are just getting a single .vtx file from the compiler.

I realize this is a mess of a post, and whatever info I can provide please let me know.  Environment, etc.  Ideally I am just looking for a place to start so that I can get this issues fixed and start doing minor edits to the models. 

Thank you for your time,

Edit:  As of now, I have installed 3ds Max 2012, the SMD importer/exporter from www.wunderboy.org and of course the WallWorm.com folder in the 3ds Max scripts directory.
Title: Re: [CSGO] default player model alteration
Post by: wallworm on July 20, 2013, 07:18:25 PM
A couple of things.

First, while the Wunderboy exporter has been a longtime commodity, it hasn't been developed in a while. It doesn't necessarily support all features in Wall Worm... so you may be better server with telling WW in the global settings to use the WW SMD Exporter instead.

Second, I actually have extremely little experience in getting decompiled models revamped to send back into Source. It's just not really what I do. However, there are a lot of others who can share advice. K@rt will hopefully soon jump in here and answer some questions, as he's been working on a remake of a character in L4D that is pretty cool. I'll ask him to share a little bit more on the best process to go about all that.
Title: Re: [CSGO] default player model alteration
Post by: K@rt on July 20, 2013, 07:38:35 PM
Mdldecompiler is very out of date, and whilst it can sort of decompile CS:GO/L4D2 models quite a bit of the data is often either missing or wrong. I am not sure that what you see in Model Viewer can completely be trusted always... I was testing a model recently that worked fine in-game but when I looked at the collision in MV parts of the mesh got stretched out for no apparent reason.

Atm I am testing the Alpha version of a new model decompiler for Source called Crowbar... the programmers are designing it to hopefully be up to date with the latest Source models, now I think they are focusing a little more on L4D2 than CS:GO models, but it should still be more suitable than mdldecompiler.

Now whilst this program is in Alpha version I cannot give it to you as I promised the developers I would not distribute it, but I cannot see any harm in me using it to decompile the model and then send you the outputted qc and smd files. I can't promise that will fix all your problems, but it seems like a good place to start.

Tell me which model exactly you are working on and I will decompile and put a dropbox link for you.
Title: Re: [CSGO] default player model alteration
Post by: joshtrav on July 20, 2013, 09:38:22 PM
Thank you both for the prompt reply.  I will send K@rt a PM with the info.
Title: Re: [CSGO] default player model alteration
Post by: K@rt on July 22, 2013, 09:00:18 AM
I sent you a reply to your pm but I dunno if you got it (it said it was sent but isnt showing in my "sent messages")

Just in case not here is the link to the decompiled ctm_fbi:


I am worried it maybe vry similar to mdldecompiler - comapre and lemme know, if this doesnt fix all problems I will take a closer look and talk to Crowbar people.
Title: Re: [CSGO] default player model alteration
Post by: K@rt on July 22, 2013, 10:08:05 AM
I just tried recompiling the qc files I sent you by simply pumping them back into StudioMDL and the outputted model seems to be absoultely fine. In model viewer some of the animation sequences seem to glitch out, but the same happens if you load up the original model.

So it seems to be working fine for me, if you have problems with this then I think it must be something you are doing.
Title: Re: [CSGO] default player model alteration
Post by: joshtrav on July 23, 2013, 12:39:48 PM
Sorry for the delay.  I did get it.

I recompiled it as well and loaded it up in game.  It seems to work fine.  The issue with being seen through the smoke grenades is gone, and the ragdoll poses work.  As well as not having 100s of bone errors on recompile.  The ragdoll seems to be in an unnatural pose for CSGO but that is really rather mild overall.

I went and volunteered in the chat group and got a copy of crowbar from ZeqMacaw so I will be able to do the rest once I get it down.  It is a much smoother process versus the old model compilers out there.

Thanks for your help!