hi i'm trying to export a kart model in 3ds max to cs go sdk, but when i add the model to my map, the model looks horrible =(, the textures are a mess and having some missing parts...
i checked my materials folder and i only have vmt files and the is no vtf files =X...
and when i try to use multi layer texture (to simulate metal) i only get a silver one, not colorized...
anyone could help me?
It is important to understand how Source materials work and how they relate to Materials in 3ds Max.
The Source Material (VMT) is represented in 3ds Max as a Standard (or Blend) material.
Many of the properties in Source Materials are related to the properties inside a Standard (or Blend) material, but only some. Moreover... those that are for texture maps (bitmaps) require that the related slot in the Standard Material has a bitmap texture. For example, for a texture to appear on your model, you need to have a TGA or PSD bitmap in the diffuse slot of the standard material. If you use ANY OTHER kind of texture in 3ds Max for the diffuse, there is no equivalent texturemap in Source so Wall Worm will ignore it. In that case, Wall Worm exports the color of the material and not the texture.
The principle extends to models with multi/sub-object materials. Each material in that multimaterial must have a bitmap in the diffuse slot for the material of that slot to export textures correctly.
Also, each time you change a material in Max, you'll need to re-export that material for the changes to get into Source. In some circumstances (if you change the material name) you'll need also to re-export models using that material.