Wall Worm Forums

Design Tools => Wall Worm News => Topic started by: wallworm on February 03, 2013, 03:25:47 PM

Title: WWMT 1.889 Released
Post by: wallworm on February 03, 2013, 03:25:47 PM
Version 1.889 released on 2-3-2013

◦ Added new VMF exporter setting. You can now choose to export Precise Brush Coordinates (Default) or use a less precise coordinates (more like those normally used in Hammer with truncated/rounded values).
◦ Updated Material Library Generator to collect some new parameters (like $nocull, $alpha).
◦ Updated Material Library Generator to name bitmaps so that they will properly re-export.
◦ Fixed bug in SMD Importer that caused it to fail when importing for most users.
◦ Updated SMD Importer to parse VMTs for models into materials if the referenced VMT is found. This works when importing a QC but probably not when importing a SMD directly.
Added QC importer. Now if you import a QC it will get the following items: reference mesh, physics mesh, lods and some settings (staticprop, surfaceprop, concave and mostlyopaque). More information like sequences will come later.
◦ Added native VMF/MAP importer. VMF Importer function still in *BETA*. Test it under Wall Worm > Wall Worm Importers > Import VMF/MAP. This function is still early and does not yet produce usable results. Developement will continue.

PLEASE NOTE: the VMF/MAP importer is far from ready. But to make it easy on me and not have to comment things in/out when sharing this all with you , I left it available. I'll make it usable and polished when I get time.