I installed PhysX plugin to make some quick and dirty collision hulls, but the WWMT menu is gone permenantly.
I try to run the install script, and the settings/options menu pop up where I can choose my working directories etc, but the menu is gone.
I got 3ds max 2010 SP2 32bit and my PhysX version is
I tried disabling PhysX plugin, didn't work, the WWMT is still gone, so not sure if it's directly related to it but it just happened right after I think.
But I can still access WWMT if I assign a hotkey to it, so if I press Y the WWMT window comes up.
Though it would still be nice to have the menu at the top bar.
Best regards
You can add the WW menus by running this script:
Click MAXSript > Run Script ... and browse for Scripts\WallWorm.com\WallWormUtilities\addWWtoMaxMenu.ms
It worked many thanks Shawn :)
You are welcome.