Wall Worm Forums

Design Tools => Wall Worm Model Tools => WWMT Questions => Topic started by: Hylle on December 09, 2012, 04:34:57 PM

Title: WWMT menu gone
Post by: Hylle on December 09, 2012, 04:34:57 PM

I installed PhysX plugin to make some quick and dirty collision hulls, but the WWMT menu is gone permenantly.

I try to run the install script, and the settings/options menu pop up where I can choose my working directories etc, but the menu is gone.

I got 3ds max 2010 SP2 32bit and my PhysX version is


I tried disabling PhysX plugin, didn't work, the WWMT is still gone, so not sure if it's directly related to it but it just happened right after I think.

But I can still access WWMT if I assign a hotkey to it, so if I press Y the WWMT window comes up.

Though it would still be nice to have the menu at the top bar.

Best regards
Title: Re: WWMT menu gone
Post by: wallworm on December 09, 2012, 04:40:50 PM
You can add the WW menus by running this script:

Click MAXSript > Run Script ... and browse for Scripts\WallWorm.com\WallWormUtilities\addWWtoMaxMenu.ms

Title: Re: WWMT menu gone
Post by: Hylle on December 09, 2012, 04:41:52 PM
It worked many thanks Shawn   :)
Title: Re: WWMT menu gone
Post by: wallworm on December 09, 2012, 04:45:32 PM
You are welcome.