hello, i'm having an issue with the WWMT texture export
currently i've been able to export my model to the source model viewer (which is great :D), however, when i try to export my textures, WWMT tells me that i can only export TGA bitmaps
i've tried my texture map as a bitmap file and as a .TGA file, but it still won't go :( i included a picture of my material editor and WWMT settings below
does anyone have any ideas?
My best guess is that the Material applied to the model isn't either a Standard, Shell or Multi/Sub-Object Material (Maybe it is an Arch & Design Material?). It's hard to tell because you are using the Old Material Editor and it is only showing the map (bitmap) node.
I may need to update the warning to be more informative. The error you see is probably covering several possible errors instead of what it is saying. Oops... I take shortcuts sometimes :P
PS. I really suggest using the Slate Material Editor. It might take a day to get used to if you are familiar with the old one... but in the end it is worth it--really optimizes your workflow and lets you get at everything a lot faster.
Quote from: wallworm on June 22, 2012, 09:35:42 AM
My best guess is that the Material applied to the model isn't either a Standard, Shell or Multi/Sub-Object Material (Maybe it is an Arch & Design Material?).
thank you! i got it to go to the export screen with changing the type from arch & design to standard, now when i export the file, in my materials folder i get 2 batch files, my TGA file and a text document, but it still doesn't show up in the CSGO SDK as textured :(
also, are there any differences when choosing between standard, shell or multi/sub-object material?
At this point, the files are RAW (not compiled). Make sure you have the Global WW settings set to Compile On Export and have the correct Bin Dir set.
You can also run the BATCH files that WW made and it will either create your textures or give you an error explaining what is not working.
As for the material types... it's best to look in the 3ds Max docs and read about those material types.
alright, i ran the batch file and i got the following in my command prompt:
G:\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\materials\customcontent>cd "G:\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\bin>"
G:\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\bin>vtex.exe -game "G:\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\bin" -mkdir -shader VertexLitGeneric -vmtparam "$model" "1" "G:\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\materials\customcontent\daotm22.tga"
Adding .vmt parameter: "$model" "1"
Input file: G:/Steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/csgo/materials/customcontent/daotm22
ERROR: Problem figuring out outputdir for G:/Steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/csgo/materials/customcontent/daotm22
Hit a key to continue
i checked all my paths and everything looks like it's correct, i removed the read-only on my folder permissions but nothing is working with that either :(
One problem is that you need to set the proper material source folder. I don't have CS:GO yet, but I assume it will be something like:
Materials: C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\sdk_content\materialsrc
Models: C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\sdk_content\modelsrc
Maps: C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\sdk_content\mapsrc
Materials specifically need to be there... though models sometimes can be in other paths.
alright, i added these folders and changed my paths in the settings, and everything compiled completely and there were no errors i guess :D
however, all of my files are exporting into
G:\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\bin\materials\customcontent\
G:\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\bin\models\customcontent\
is there any way to change the compile directory to something like
G:\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\materials\customcontent
G:\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\models\customcontent
That means you need to set the correct Game Info Dir. This is probably a place like this:
C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo
perfect, thank you!
i have one last question, which may or may not be related to the WWMT but if it's not maybe you have some idea of how to fix it, but my model in the viewer is only showing up halfway mapped, while in 3ds max it looks normal, here's a picture that shows only half of the texture map on the handle showing up on the bottom
My best guess is that the normals are wrong.
First, in the material, remove the 2-Sided checkbox at the top of the material settings. If it was checked, it may now look the same in Max as the screen shot.
Then in Max, apply a Normal modifier to your model. See if that fixes it.
awesome! that fixed it ;D i checked the 2-sided box under the shader basic parameters, and applied the normal modifier, and the resulting model in the source viewer retained its thickness!
thank you so much for all the help, the WWMT is great for me since i'm completely new at 3ds max - i'm doing all my modeling in solidworks, then importing to 3ds max and exporting to source is a nightmare but these fixes are really going to help me a lot, so thank you again :D
Yeah... a lot of times models imported from other apps have flipped normals (and other problems too).
Even though Solid Works is really cool... I have a feeling that you may want to start fiddling with designing things directly in Max some if you plan on sending things to Source a lot... as that would mean you are eliminating the whole step of transfering from app to app.
Quote from: wallworm on June 22, 2012, 10:25:26 PM
Yeah... a lot of times models imported from other apps have flipped normals (and other problems too).
Even though Solid Works is really cool... I have a feeling that you may want to start fiddling with designing things directly in Max some if you plan on sending things to Source a lot... as that would mean you are eliminating the whole step of transfering from app to app.
i agree, i have a lot of experience in SW so it's more of a comfort zone thing for me, but i have a couple of more questions, i hope you don't mind if i post them here instead of creating a new thread!
the first is, i switched to a lower polygon model so my UV map will be easier to texture, but now every time i run it in the model viewer, i get a large 3d "ERROR" above my model like this:
and i was wondering, do any of your videos have information on using the attachment feature? when i added an attachment and loaded it as a weapon into the model viewer, the weapon just takes up about 1/4 of the top of the screen and isn't moveable at all
I don't yet have any video on using attachments. I'll try to do one before long.
As for the missing model error... I'm not sure what is causing it. You may need to send me your Max scene causing this to get an answer.
alright, i look forward to your attachments video as i'm having some issues attaching this to the model :D
i also sent you a PM with the model files, texture, and model/material folders from the export