I'm getting this error if anyone else any more info please ask I really need help.
(https://www.wallworm.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimg580.imageshack.us%2Fimg580%2F1646%2Fwallworm.jpg&hash=b55b7ae675ab67bed7673acad56424f459c24b72) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/580/wallworm.jpg/)
I'm not sure what I did wrong I'm using 3dsmax9 please help.
Also not sure if this is the right area I posted before but the topic disappeared thank you.
Hmmm... that shouldn't happen if you only picked one model.
Can you list a step-by-step set of instructions from beginning to end on how you got that notice?
PS. Just to clarify.. since you are using Max9... I'm assuming that you already have the AVGuard MAXScript Extension (http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/plugins/avguard-maxscript-extension-package) installed? There are functions that I used in building WWMT that were not in MAXScript until Max 2008 unless you install that.
Okay I added in the plugin you sent me. Basically I installed wall worm tools set the model and material and bin directory. I then receded to pick the model I wanted then clicked autohull for the collusion but I am still getting the same error.
I've sent you an email.
I am brining this one back to life because I am getting the same error in 3Ds Max 2013 but no answer was given. When I pick my model and tell it to export I get the same error as above.
I am pretty sure what ever the problem is it has to do with the model itself. If I select the box I created for the collision mesh as the Model then it exports as it should.
The error mentioned in the opening post was, if my memory serves me, related to the model using grouped geometry. But as that was a year ago, my memory could be incorrect.
Generally speaking the message "The model has no meshes currently assigned" means one of the following:
* The WWMT has no meshes assigned to it (which can happen if you create a WWMT helper and then delete the meshes you assign to it)
* If you close the WWMT UI of file then reopen it and change the names of any meshes
* Use grouped geometry (which I'm assuming can make that message but need to test)
* Your meshes are all non-renderable and you have the global option Export Non-Renderable Meshes as Bones turned on
So, I'd make sure there are no grouped geometry. If not, I'd look into the global non-renderable as bone option. If that fails, I'd delete the WWMT helper and start over with it. If that fails, let me know and we'll figure it out.
I wanted to add to this thread because I found a bug in WWMT this morning that could also account for an export not working (and give no error message). It was in some setups using the $massorigin helper.
I have fixed WW to avoid that error. Update WW and the error may be alleviated (if this was the cause of your problem).