I'm still new to wallworm (recently picked up pro) and there seem to be a lot of options in various places. Is there an option to create default 0 0 0 in a scene as the root? Or at the very least to move the root once it has been created. Not a huge fan that I have to pick an object to be the root. (where the helper goes)
- vivi
Welcome to WW :)
I'm not 100% certain I understand the question, but I will answer what I think you are asking.
If you want the world origin to represent the model's origin, turn off the Use Local Origin as World Origin option in WWMT. If this is how you want all models, you can set this as a default in the global WW settings.
The local origin works best if you are building multiple models in one scene and they all have special offsets from the world origin that need to be cancelled (perhaps you have an entire level and are building special props at a location in the scene so that your prop matches the environment). However, if you are building just single props at the origin, then your likely don't want that.
Thanks for the fast reply Shawn,
I've always built my models at 0 0 0 as the default origin and never needed to worry about setting them local to an object. This being the default option for me would be great.
/ Ok, tested out that option you posted. It worked great, thanks!
Also, hi from Mapcore :)
I suspected that was you :)