hello. I need your help with importing an csgo map via wwmt. I try to import de_inferno, but getting bad results. I have exactly followed this (http://dev.wallworm.com/document/124/vmf_importer.html) tutorial (all materials/models are extracted and converted/extracted), there's ww no errors (double-checked) and I am using bspsrc to get map's vmf file. I also tried to import some small custom aim map and it also was a failure. I searched the forum for problems like this one, but nothing did help.
And this is what I get, as you can see there's even no a floor
Sorry about your problems. Thank you for reporting.
#1) Regarding missing geometry (like the floors), it's impossible to tell without the original VMF what might cause the floors to be missing. Feel free to email the VMF to my email found in the WW Readme file.
#2) The only way for me to fix the MAXScript exception is to know the line # of the error. You can run the import again and when the error pops up, hit F11 . Now copy all of the error and post it here.
#3) Missing model error: my best guess is that WW doesn't have an entity cache yet. You can build that in the global settings with the Reparse button above the FGD setting. Make sure your FGD is set to your csgo.fgd file. That must be parsed before the level is imported in order to properly assign the entities. It's very possible that #2 is related to #3. Please get me the error before you reparse your FGD so that I can actually fix the error.
error code there
"Error parsing VMF attempt 1:-- Unknown system exception
Will attempt another 20 times..."
"Error parsing VMF attempt 2:-- Unknown system exception
Will attempt another 19 times..."
"Error parsing VMF attempt 3:-- Unknown system exception
Will attempt another 18 times..."
C:\Users\***\Desktop\tools\bspsrc_1.3.20\01.08.2015_nuke\de_nuke_d.vmf data parsed in 105.393 seconds (1.75655 minutes)
-- Error occurred in V loop; filename: C:\Users\***\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2013 - 64bit\ENU\scripts\WallWorm.com\common\mse\VMFImport2.mse; position: 18683; line: 661
-- Defined in encrypted script
-- called in MaketheDisp(); filename: C:\Users\***\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2013 - 64bit\ENU\scripts\WallWorm.com\common\mse\VMFImport2.mse; position: 19100; line: 675
-- Defined in encrypted script
-- called in p loop; filename: C:\Users\***\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2013 - 64bit\ENU\scripts\WallWorm.com\common\mse\VMFImport2.mse; position: 23487; line: 837
-- Defined in encrypted script
-- called in makeDisplacements(); filename: C:\Users\***\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2013 - 64bit\ENU\scripts\WallWorm.com\common\mse\VMFImport2.mse; position: 23719; line: 848
-- Defined in encrypted script
-- called in b loop; filename: C:\Users\***\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2013 - 64bit\ENU\scripts\WallWorm.com\common\mse\VMFImport2.mse; position: 72192; line: 2550
-- Defined in encrypted script
-- called in createBrushes(); filename: C:\Users\***\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2013 - 64bit\ENU\scripts\WallWorm.com\common\mse\VMFImport2.mse; position: 73115; line: 2586
-- Defined in encrypted script
-- called in buildScene(); filename: C:\Users\***\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2013 - 64bit\ENU\scripts\WallWorm.com\rollouts\VMFImport.ms; position: 7065; line: 53
-- Frame:
-- minutes: undefined
-- seconds: undefined
-- ended: undefined
-- started: 86108316
-- called in btnImport.pressed(); filename: C:\Users\***\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2013 - 64bit\ENU\scripts\WallWorm.com\rollouts\VMFImport.ms; position: 11693; line: 191
-- Frame:
-- fsource: "C:\Users\***\Desktop\tools\bspsrc_1.3.20\01.08.2015_nuke\de_nuke_d.vmf"
-- doCache: undefined
-- started: 86108316
>> MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception:
-- No ""get"" function for undefined <<
I have sent you .vmf file of the map by email
about fgd, I have parsed it, I'm sure. problems checker utility doesn't give me any errors (but it was saying that fgd needs to be reparsed before)
The level imported as expected for me:
Based on the line # and the reparse attempt failures, my guess is that your WW installation is out-of-date. I think that if you update WW the problem will go away magically :) Let me know.
sorry, but could you please check de_inferno too, cause I sent you de_nuke accidentally (I don't have no floor problem with de_nuke)
ok I just updated ww and tried to reparse fgd before importing and result seems more like yours, thank you, gonna try to improve it
To my knowledge, these are currently the things you'll have issues with: func_instance does not currently import and decals/overlays often come in at the wrong size and sometimes wrong orientation. I'm contemplating ways to properly bring in instances as containers, but it's just not a high priority at the moment.
I can confirm about the instances, since I used to decompile Inferno a lot of times. It's mostly made out of instances which are all of the missing parts when importing to 3DS Max. My guess would be for you to seperatly import all of the instances and snap them to the right place as a temporary solution.