Hi! I've been trying to do a modified form of the doors from Portal 2, and I've hit a snag with the collisions.
The stock P2 doors have a static (or at least, attached to the base bone) archway, as well as two moving pieces that act as the sliding door. (pictured: http://puu.sh/i94zK/e949c1315b.jpg)
Recompiling with the decompiled collision model Crowbar outputs creates a single collision mesh (which I have come to expect from decompilation tools), and so I remade the collision model. Did all the usual stuff - no concave pieces, each piece with it's own smoothing group, so on - but now while the door parts are just fine, the arch is still one large convex block (that is often rotated to the side... not quite sure why that is, likely mis-parented or something, pictured: http://puu.sh/i94SC/ec34ec8703.jpg)
So, don't suppose you guys can see what's wrong here? I'm used to working with static models, so there's probably something I'm doing very wrong.
EDIT: If I don't assign a bone to the arch pieces, all the parts just kinda jump to the middle (like so: http://puu.sh/i96Ju/584489db29.jpg, should be like this: http://puu.sh/i96Nc/8163ec6632.jpg)
Managed to suss it out - Not skinned the arch to any bones, but zeroed the position, then moved the vertexes themselves to the right place, along with "$upaxis Z" at the top of the QC to sort the rotation problem. There's probably a better way to do this, it was stupidly awkward, but I got there in the end.
Thanks anyway, keep up the good work with WWMT! :D
Sorry I didn't get back to you earlier. I would have replied last night, but there was an aspect of the model ( models/props/portal_door.mdl ) that actually piqued my interest. And that is that the methods I know how to reproduce this would require one bone for each convex piece of the concave hull.
When you go to the model tab in HLMV with the door, there are only 3 Total Bones (and 3 hardware bones). How that was accomplished with the concave hull count being 18 pieces is actually something I would like to understand. The only way I know to make this in non staticprop model would, in this case, need 18 bones.
So first, can you check in HLMV how many bones are created? If there are only the desired amount, please send me Max scene. As I want to see the setup for this--as having to use yup and manually editing the vertices isn't something you should have to do. (In the method I would use, you need to do neither... but you end up with a lot of bones.