I wanted to ask if you could export an animation (300 Key) made (as a tutorial on the net) here is what I did:
If you can export it as a hammer, and (a tutorial)
thanks Luca
There is a discussion on this at http://www.wallworm.net/index.php?topic=1127.0
tnx for your reply immediaty ;)
but not tutorial possible......
THe problem is that the only way I know how to accomplish this effect inside Source is using flex animations with Morpher or Morph-O-Matic modifiers . But I've only taken it as far as pumping that into FacePoser with a ridiculous number of frame controllers which I'm presuming would have to be scripted to play in the right order. I never took it past that point.
I think the best solution is to either bake the animation into an animated texture or just make a simple flag with a small number of bones that flap in the wind or have a couple sequences. Neither route is as "realistic" as the massfx/cloth sims. But at this point, those routes are straightforward to get into the engine... whereas using a bunch of flex animations seems a little convoluted and would probably have serious performance problems (though I have not tested that far).
As for a tutorial, I can add it to the list of tuts I might do when I can get around to it. Right now I'm busy preparing the next video but that is dealing with the level design side right now; I'll get to some model videos in a couple weeks probably.
Ok I understand ... if I had time then to the tutorial I would be grateful.
thanks again for the answer
sorry one more question. I managed and well and export them as animated textures but the background remains black me ... there's a chance in 3ds eliminate the black background and make it transparent :-\ ???
Thanks in advance response
I think you need to give more details. Post a frame and point out what part is incorrect. Also what file format did you save as? Are you asking about how to make part of the image transparent?
For materials in Source, WW will export a material as transparent if you pipe the diffuse texture into the opacity slot. There are options in the Bitmap node that helps it look better in the Max viewport.
thanks did;) I've moved all the frames in png (300 frame) then vtfedit I imported as tenture animated and voila ....
I expect more and you will one day export the model animated flag