Hello, I've had this problem in the past (over a year ago) when using WWMT. I will create an object, create the hull, and export it. Then, when I recompile, the object is there, but is significantly larger than in Max. I've included some pictures. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
The answer to this question is probably here: My Model Scale is Wrong (http://dev.wallworm.com/document/127/my_model_scale_is_wrong.html).
Excellent. Yes, this did solve my problem. For some reason, when searching for a solution before posting, that page didn't turn up. I had scaled my model down, but didn't realize you couldn't do this.
Also, I noticed that I have my materials set to save to a different folder in the materials editor than what I have WWMT settings set to.
Settings: materialsrc/industry
Materials Editor: industrial/materials
Everything works fine, but I was wondering if this could cause problems when finishing up and getting the map ready for an install. Also, have you created a video on finishing everything up and getting it zipped? I haven't really gotten there yet, so I haven't checked.
Thanks for your help as always!
In terms of the scale issue. Although this may seem like a WW thing, it's a general 3D thing. While the scale tool is useful, it is very important to understand what's happening. Until you really understand that, it's best to avoid scaling at the object level. It really affects animated hierarchies.
Materials: There is something to keep in mind. The VMT files are always plopped into the folder that your model's material path is set to. They have to go there to work. However, the VTF files (textures) can be anywhere. The output path of a VTF file is determined by the bitmap node's name in the material editor (general WW) or by the VTF Path parameter if using WW Pro. The WW Pro method is not yet documented well. If you want a VTF to be in the same folder as the VMT, open it in the material editor and change it's name from whatever it is (by default, usually something like Map #23 to something like this: mymodels/materialpath or a name that matches the TGA/VTF name identically like mymodels/materialpath/mybitmapfile.tga or mymodels/materialpath/mybitmapfile.vtf .
For finalizing and packaging, there are some really cool tools in WW. I haven't documented them all yet. They are part of a video series I'm working on for the release of WW Pro.
Looking forward to the videos! I ran into some trouble with the compiler crashing. It has happened in the past and I've always figured out the problem, however, I just can't figure out why it's happening now. I started a new project with just world geometry and textures. All of the brush textures were exported into their correct directories. They were materials that were left over in the material editor from another project, but I switched the directories on them to match the current project. There aren't any leaks, either. Does WWMT not like materials/textures that were used previously in another project even if the name (directory) was switched to the new one?
Just trying to keep questions in this thread as to not clutter up the board.
Can you post the compile log here? In the WW VMF Exporter, there is a button for LOGs that prompts to open LOG files where the maps are exported. There are often two log files: 1 that always grows and another that is just the last compile log. Use the Last compile.
Ok. Attached it.
I believe the problem is this:
reading c:\users\shep\desktop\office.bsp
Empty map
The world geometry must be tagged as world geometry. Otherwise, WW doesn't know what to export as a brush. You can select the brush geometry in the scene and hit Wall Worm > Wall Worm Level Design > Set Selection as Brush Geometry. Then re-export.
I usually tag it as world geometry from the start. I tried to retag it just now, but it's still crashing. Pretty stumped.
Just deleted everything in the scene and made completely new world geometry to see what would happen. Still the same result. Vvis.exe and Vrad.exe still crash.
Can you paste the contents of your VMF here. Just open it in notepad and paste here.
"name" "Default Layer"
"visgroupid" "10"
"color" "154 185 229"
"bSnapToGrid" "1"
"bShowGrid" "1"
"bShowLogicalGrid" "0"
"nGridSpacing" "128"
"bShow3DGrid" "0"
"id" "1"
"mapversion" "1"
"classname" "worldspawn"
"skyname" "sky_dust"
"startdark" "0"
"gametitle" "0"
"newunit" "0"
"maxoccludeearea" "0"
"minoccluderarea" "0"
"maxoccludeearea_x360" "0"
"minoccluderarea_x360" "0"
"maxpropscreenwidth" "-1"
"minpropscreenwidth" "0"
"detailvbsp" "detail.vbsp"
"detailmaterial" "detail/detailsprites"
"coldworld" "0"
"id" "8"
"id" "3"
"classname" "info_player_counterterrorist"
"priority" "0"
"enabled" "1"
"targetname" "info_player_counterterrorist001"
"angles" "0 0 0"
"origin" "-2944.0 -7296.0 8.0"
"color" "192 13 208"
"visgroupid" "10"
"visgroupshown" "1"
"visgroupautoshown" "1"
"id" "4"
"classname" "info_player_counterterrorist"
"priority" "0"
"enabled" "1"
"targetname" "info_player_counterterrorist002"
"angles" "0 0 0"
"origin" "-3072.0 -7168.0 8.0"
"color" "192 13 208"
"visgroupid" "10"
"visgroupshown" "1"
"visgroupautoshown" "1"
"activecamera" "-1"
That's definitely odd.
The only thing I can think of off the top of my head is that the VMF exporter dialog may have the Brush Geometry checkbox off, or that the objects are in a layer named "VMF_Exclude".
Email the scene to me and I will see if I can figure it out.
Should I just send only the Max file?
yes, just the max file.
Maybe I'm completely brain-dead today, but I can't find your email address.
The ww download zip file has a readme with my email address.
OK, so I see the problem. All the brushes are composed of invalid geometry.
1) The geometry won't export if the number of polygons is greater than the Brush Max Sides setting in the VMF Exporter. Each of those brushes was composed of Box nodes with high length/width/height segments--which put the face count above what is allowed per brush. (Concave brushes will apply this limit to each element rather than per Object... but these are not tagged as concave and each object is just one element anyway).
2) Even if you increase the max sides allowed per brush, these are composed of multiple co-planar polygons as explained above--which creates duplicate plane errors.
The solution for your scene:
1) Open MAXScript listener (F11).
select $box*
Hit Enter
$.heightsegs = $.lengthsegs = $.widthsegs = 1
Hit Enter
Ah, I see. I didn't even notice that I had that many segments on the brush geometry. I suppose that might be left over from the other project being that I normally don't have that many segments. I would have never figured this one out lol. I'm interested in buying Wall Worm pro, but I'm not sure if a beginner like myself would benefit from it. I started using this plugin off and on over a year ago as I found Hammer to be crumby. I've been using Max for years, so I looked up a plugin that might be able to get it over to Source, and found your plugin. Thanks for all of the support!
Yeah, I need to make an FAQ on brushes that offers my checklist to troubleshoot problems.
In terms of WW Pro, I personally hope that all WW users buy it :) But in terms of what you would benefit, the primary benefits are faster VMF Exporter, faster SMD exporter, DMX exporter, wrinklemap exporter in DMX and VTF importer. There will be some other added functions coming soon too. Because WW Pro is still in Alpha, those who buy it early also get a copy of CorVex--which is one of my favorite tools. That offer will be coming to an end soon, though.