I have a frequent issue in which spline shapes that are lofted onto curved spline paths (i.e. a curved railway track) will compile to be off-scale (larger). I never touched the scale gizmo and I reset the scale/transform, but neither seem to help. the scaling issue only seems to happen for the lofted objects that have a curved path.
Does anyone have or know of the same issue and know how to fix this? I'm going to test out various things (pivot points, changing curved vertices to bezier/corner etc.) to see what causes the problems; will post if I find out.
I just tested this with no problems.
Can you verify the version of Max and if you have the latest service pack for it? Also, are you using the latest version of WW? Which SMD exporter are you using? And what is the $scale setting in WWMT?
Sorry, I dont know which version it was but I just updated 2014 to sp5 and wall worm to the latest version after reading your reply. I used the wallworm exporter and the scale was at 1.0.
What I forgot to mention is that this scaling issue only occurred when I would export two of these objects as 1 prop model. I just exported each of them separately and they fit flush! (Right and Left tracks shown lining up. prop model with both shown floating above, a bit wider than it should be).
I think another workaround might just be to convert them to polys then attach them together.
Can you email the scene to me? This will be the fastest way for me to figure it out.
sent it ;)
I opened the file you sent and was able to see what is going on.
Essentially, several of the objects do not have a scale of [1,1,1]. If you select the object Loft034 in the scene then type into the MAXScript listener: $.scale and hit enter, you see that it's scale is [2.85506,1,1] ...
Save your scene, then make a copy file.
To visualize what is happening, click Wall Worm > Wall Worm Extras > Scale Fix. Then click Get Objects Scale other than 1. Then click Set Selection Scale to 1. This will set all of those objects to the scale of 1 (and corresponding offsets) that they are exporting to in Hammer.
So the objects have been scaled without really being reset.
In your original file, select the lofted objects then open the Utilities Panel and click the Reset XForm Utility... then click Reset Selected. Then re-export the models, then the level.
The best bet is to always scale the objects at the sub-object level. Hopefully this helps make sense of it all.
eesh, not sure why that happened. Thanks again Shawn for taking your time to help a newbie out!
Still learning both 3ds Max and WW features. :-X