Wall Worm 1.9873 Released. VBSP functions sponsored by Rob Briscoe & Entity Bug

Started by wallworm, February 22, 2014, 01:28:31 PM

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Version 1.9873 released on 2-22-2014

   Please note that this update was sponsored largely by Robert Briscoe.

   * VBSP Importer: Added Clusters function. This function will combine all prop details on a displacement into a single mesh. Only works with prop details spawned onto scenes with this version of the VBSP importer or later. Only use after done with placing details in this session!
   * VBSP Importer: Fixed bug where Force Type was ignored if the Detailer plugin is installed.
   * VBSP Importer: Updated prop details to get parented to the displacement on which they are spawned.
   * VBSP Importer: Fixed problem with the flat_height value not being used properly.
   * VBSP Importer: Fixed problem with flat parameter when importing unexpected values.
   * VBSP Importer: Added some new utility buttons for Detailer owners: Select Unused Types, Delete Unused Types and Delete Selected Types.
   * Entities: Fixed UI problem where most drop-down parameters were showing the integer values instead of textual labels. Requires you to reparse the FGD cache in global settings.

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