Bump map export bug.

Started by Shinobiwan, February 26, 2011, 01:16:00 PM

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Just noticed when exporting the vtf's that the tool only finds my Diffuse and specular channel, and not the bump map channel.

Using the latest version .996

Windows XP Sp3. 

3DS Max 2011


Thanks Shinobiwan. I'll look into it this evening. Just as a test... see if it works if you put the bump map into the Displacement map slot.


Tested, still just finding diffuse and specular. Lemme know if you want me to guinea pig out any thing else. This tool is making modding entertaining for change  ;D


So I was testing tonight and the bump map is exporting fine for me...  Did you make sure that ALL the textures are set as TGA in the Render To Texture?

Were all three textures listed in the VTF Texture Exporter window? Were all checked?

I'll look into it more soon as I have tweaks left for the whole texture exporter; it has some quirks I know of... but it's exporting all things that I have checked so far.


Yeah they're all tga's. Took a pic for yah. This was from a different model i was working on of a cinder block. Just a diffuse and bump on this one.

You can see the two check boxes are just the diffuse targa's for the model and its lod. Not finding the bump for some reason.,


Also just checked something for you. There is a slot in the bump channel called "additional bump" so i added my normal map in there. I tried exporting with just that option selected, and than i tried it with both selected. Same thing, the exporter just cant seem to find it.


Aha... I think that I know the answer. WWMT is only looking for a Bitmap map, not a Normal Bump map. Try using a Bitmap map with the TGA instead of putting it into the Normal Bump map.

I'll look into adding support for other map types... but for now it only looks for Bitmap maps.


I just loaded an update to 0.997 that might make using the texture exporter a little easier. It still only uses top-level Bitmaps with TGAs but the texture export interface is now a little bit more helpful.


Hey sorry for the late reply, ive been working on a viewport model the last fiew days, should tested it quicker. Yeah that was it!

Strange that there is that much difference in calling it a normal and a bitmap, in the normal channel. I don't know why they really even give you that option if its the same thing.


I should have updated this a long time ago; at some point I updated the exporter to use the Normal Map ... where the normal map becomes the bump map and the additional bump becomes the detail texture.

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