Wall Worm 1.984 Released... adds Overlay support into Worm Face and more

Started by wallworm, February 08, 2014, 10:16:05 PM

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Version 1.984 released on 2-8-2014

   * Materials: Source Shader Parameters updated to no longer jump to the models tab when turning on For Model.
   * Materials: Source Shader Parameters now default to VertexLitGeneric when turning to For Model, and LightmappedGeneric when switching to Not For Model. This only happens if the current Source Shader is not applicable to the current model-state. For example, if the Source Shader is set to LightmappedGeneric when the For Model is turned on, it will switch to VertexLitGeneric. However, if the current state is UnlitGeneric and the model state is changed, the shader will remain since UnlitGeneric works for both models and world geometry.
   * Materials: Removed the Detail Type 2 combobox. This was a relic of bad copy-pasta.
   * Materials: Added button to the WorldVertexShader rollout that will add the names of Detail Types in the scene to the Detail Type Combobox list. Only works if there are WallWormDetailType objects in the scene, which requires the Detailer plugin.
   * Worm Face: Updated tool for Overlay support.
   * Entities: Now adds support for sidelist parameters (like in env_cubemap, info_overlay, etc). Requires you to Re-Parse your FGD and update any existing entities in existing scenes.
   * VMF Exporter: Added support for overlays created with Worm Face. Requires you to Re-Parse your FGD and update any existing entities in existing scenes.
   * Menus: Added two new level design macros: Tag Brush Geometry as Concave/Convex Geometry. The concave option is for objects composed of multiple elements (like a CorVex object that is one object but many wall pieces). This means you can collapse a bunch of separate nodes into one node and each element of the node will export as a single brush (when set to Concave). Note that to check for an object is concave at export time is too slow, which is why this setting was added and the user is responsible for tagging such objects. Note that CorVex objects do not need to be tagged as Concave because Wall Worm already assumes them to be composed of multiple pieces.
   * Anvil: Go to Brush ID will now include objects that were part of complex objects (like CorVex objects.


Version 1.9841 released on 2-9-2014

Updated again today. All bug fixes related to yesterday's update.

   * VMF Exporter: Fixed bug when exporting entities that are missing properties for whatever reason. So far this has been detected when entity nodes have been converted to GPoly objects.
   * Entities: Fixed bug in Pick Sides functions. There was an error any time you picked faces that were non-quads. Requires you to reparse your FGD Entity cache.
   * Worm Face: Fixed bug when applying Texture Drop to editable mesh objects.


Note about the addition of Overlays. They will only work correctly if you keep them to the original 4 Verts. This means that if the Plane composing them has length segments or width segments above 1, or it has been converted to a mesh/poly and extra verts are added, it will probably not work correctly.

Also, I coded it to warn you if your entity cache version is less than a certain version. That version # should have been updated in todays' release, but I forgot about it... so if you happened to install the update from yesterday and made some overlays, you should run the Problem Checker in the Utilities menu and check for out-of-date entities--as the overlay function can have a bug if you do not have the latest entity version.

Also note, the overlays will get added to the viewport if you do not have the entities cached... but they won't work. For overlays to export properly, they must have a WW info_overlay entity which requires a fgd entity cache.


Version 1.9842 released on 2-9-2014

   * VMF Exporter: Added support for overlays on Displacements.

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