Wall Worm 1.985 Released

Started by wallworm, February 12, 2014, 05:07:43 PM

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Version 1.985 released on 2-12-2014

   * Materials: Added $parallaxmap and $parallaxmapscale to the WW Source Shader property list. Added by user request but not extensively tested.
   * VMF Exporter: Fixed bug where some types of objects did not export if tagged as func_detail (like CorVex objects).
   * VMF Exporter: Fixed bug where grouped func_detail objects were getting processed and exported twice. This bug should reduce file size and export time (and possibly some compile problems) in levels that are composed of a lot of grouped func_detail objects. (In the case of a level I am working on, the VMF file size and export time was cut nearly in half.)

        * VMF Exporter: Updated code to exclude solid objects from visgroups when part of an entity. This will alleviate Hammer notices about illegal visgroups. The containing entity will still get added to the Visgroup named after the entity's layer inside 3ds Max.

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