Model is white and textureless from using wall worm

Started by supervideogamer15, January 27, 2014, 11:47:48 PM

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Hi. Your tool is really good! I like using it, since it makes things a lot simpler for me! I have encountered a major problem however, and no forum that I've seen has helped.

Everything is fine whenever I export the model EXCEPT for the materials. The model is always white, and I have no idea why. I've done everything: follow the tutorial video on exporting textures, looked at forums, set the correct paths, EVERYTHING i could think of that would make it work! But no, it doesn't work. Here is my qc if it helps at all:

// QC File generated by the Wall Worm Model Tools Version 1.978
// Get the latest version and notes at:

$modelname   "SVG15/Object001.mdl"
$body Object001 "Object001.smd"
$collisionjoints "Object001_hull.smd" {

$surfaceprop "flesh"
$cdmaterials "models/tobi one side mask off"
$sequence idle "Object001" loop fps 30

$include   "Object001_wwmt_custom.qci"

I have TRIPLE checked where the materials are, and they are in models/tobi one side mask off. I am SO CONFUSED about this, and worst of it all, I have been looking at this problem for days with no answer. Please help if you can. Thank you for your time.


There are a few possibilities here.

My first guess is that your material is invalid in some fashion. Perhaps this bitmap used on your model is not a valid bitmap type: TGA or PSD. The compiler will not accept bitmaps like PNG, JPG, etc.

The next is to look at your VMT for the model. In WWMT click the VMT Dir button in the main WWMT rollout and open the VMT file in notepad that represents the model's material(s). Paste the contents of that file here.

This is not necessarily related to the problem, but something that stood out in your post: you should really never use spaces in any path. Your model path of: "models/tobi one side mask off" is probably a bad idea. I would condense it to simply "models/tobi". If you absolutely need a long path, use underscores instead of spaces. Note that making a to this path will require you to re-export any materials as well as the model itself.

Also, there are some newer versions of WW since the version you have.


Alright thank you! Here's what it says:


    $color2 "{149.94 149.94 149.94}"

It says this for all of the VMT's. And strangely, now I've realised that there are no VFT files at all that were exported. I ran the batch file that got exported, but that didn't help either. Either way, after I made my own VFT files from using VTFEdit, nothing changed. And yeah, my bitmap is a png file, so that must explain it. I'll try it again, and convert it into TGA to see if it helps at all. If not, I don't know what to do. And, I've changed the folder name too, and added underscores, and still nothing. But, I'll see what happens after I convert the bitmap file. Anything else you think could be causing this?


IT WORKED! All I had to do was make it a TGA file and that was it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much!

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