WWMT and Phong textures?

Started by CaptainCrazy, November 22, 2013, 08:19:54 AM

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Do i still need to do it the old way by manually setting up the .VMT orcan you do it within WWMT now?  It's been a long time since I've made phong shaders but i always thought that the .VMT used the alpha channel of the bumpmap?

I watched the tutorial but it doesn't really talk about phong textures  :o  The exporter doesn't even recognize 'Specular Color' yet that's the thing needed to make phong shaders apparently.



Yes, you can do this in WWMT. All you need to do is change the Shader Type for the Material to Phong. The default is usually Blinn. This setting is at the top of the material. If you convert the material to a WW Material, then you can adjust more phong settings in the WW controls.


Ah okay thanks man I'll look into it after dinner  :)  Does it need to be the alpha channel of anything or can i just use one created separately?  If it needs to be the alpha channel then i can just use the bumpmap alpha or?  I'm assuming i could just use it in a multi-sub/object?

Also what's the command to make it work in-game?  GMod doesn't auto-do it and i forgot the command i need to put into dev console xD

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