Wall Worm 1.9763 released

Started by wallworm, December 01, 2013, 02:00:18 PM

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Version 1.9763 released on 12-1-2013

   * Materials: Updated the VMT exporter to no longer require you to check the Specular Color enable checkbox for using $phong. Now, to enable $phong, the only requirements are that the material is set to VertexLitGeneric AND the shader type is set to Phong.


Version 1.9762 released on 11-29-2013

   * Fixed some of the scaling offset controls in the VBSP scattering tools.


Version 1.9761 released on 11-29-2013

   * Minor tweaks to tooltips in VBSP Importer UI and detail sprites.
   * Added menu items for new Wall Worm Plugin products.

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