Sky Writer 0.2 Released

Started by wallworm, March 15, 2011, 09:03:25 PM

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Version 0.2 (2011-03-15)

• Fixed default gamma to be set to the value of the Gamma spinner. Previously, the gamma was incorrectly set to 2.2 unless you had changed the value of the gamma spinner.
• Added half-sized (horizontal 2:1) images to file output list. Can be manually swapped out with current 1:1 images by renaming and running compile. Named same as corresponding side but suffixed with "_half".
• Added 4x4 pixel copy of Down image that can be used for the down image by swapping/renaming to the down texture name and recompiling. Named same as the down image but suffixed with "_tiny".

The second two items will eventually be integrated into the Sky Writer UI with the currently disabled buttons for 1/2 and Tiny. To use right now, you can rename the current images for these to something else and then remove the "_half" and "_tiny" from the sides and/or bottom alternative images--then recompile.  If you don't understand the purpose... forgive me... I'll add more docs on how to do this later as well as why you may want to do this.

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