Bestest Beta Launch

Started by Infidel, April 18, 2011, 11:12:12 PM

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     Last Night I launched a Spectacular Beta for my new map de_remotestation7110. As usual it was totally awesome and once the smoke cleared from the explosive awesomeness I noticed a most welcomed silence. For the wimpy and sadly deranged Whoreatio Chump was not present. At the clearing of the sonic boom of greatness that is another Lippy map there was no "OMG!! How can I worship you Lippy?", alas there was no "Wow! Can I ever map as greatly as you?". The lack of these fawning remarks was greatly appreciated. For how does one approach and maintain the path of Greatness of the Way of Wallworm when he must also dash the hopes of this mentally deficient man-child? How can ever attain enlightenment if I am forced at the uttering of such stupid pleadings to smash his ship of hopes upon the great rocks of reality that is Lippy the Wonder Dingo?
     Oh what a sad, sad hand fate has dealt me. Attain god-hood or tell the truth to a bed wetting nincompoop. But as I hope to be rewarded for self-sacrifice.... Yes Matt one day you to can be as awesome as me!!


How insensitive of you! You know he was burying his favorite goldfish that night?!


Atleast we know that the Goldfish is in much better condition than Matts maps.... and his looks


I was still vomiting uncontrollably from your previous beta release.


I believe you exact words were, "actually man this is pretty sweet!"

I win again.



Oh, dang! I realized that this thread has a much different meaning now that I took the time to read the subject... I thought this was the "Best Betta Lunch".

Even though it's completely off topic... I guess I should clarify that the best kind of Betta Lunch is breaded with some feta sprinkled on top. I learned this during those really long, boring hours spent working at Petsmart years ago.


Isn't that also the home of the deadly psycho rat that murdered and ate all the mice?


Quote from: deathdingo on May 10, 2011, 07:10:08 AM
Isn't that also the home of the deadly psycho rat that murdered and ate all the mice?
Yes... indeed it was. And you can read all about it in my upcoming memoirs!

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