Wall Worm 1.9595 Released. Fixes Max 2014 bug in VMF importer, adds MAP importer

Started by wallworm, October 12, 2013, 04:26:43 PM

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Version 1.9595 released on 10-12-2013

* Importers: Added MAP importer to import capabilities. To use, open the VMF importer and switch file type to .MAP. The MAP importer will look for materials in a subdirectory that matches the WAD name of wads used in the map. For example, if your MAP file had a wad called "wallworm.wad", the material importer will look for materials matching face material names inside your materials/wallworm folder (or in the mat gen or materialsrc folders).
* VMF Importer: No longer uses Deformable_Gpoly for point entities (which only happened in 3ds Max 2014). This class was creating a crash when re-exporting the entities back into VMF. Now keeps entities as Box() primitives.
* VMF Importer: Fixed point entity import to place entities at correct location  and orientation even if the entity was not found in the cached FGD.
* Materials: Fixed bug that could crash VMT exporter.
* Entities: Entity version update to version 20. Now solid entities with no parameters will still get an entry in the modify tab when applied to the entity.

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