Wall Worm 1.9565 Released

Started by wallworm, October 08, 2013, 01:26:59 PM

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Version 1.9565 released on 10-08-2013

* Entities: Fixed  critical bug in the entity parser. That bug was introduced in the last few updates. The bug was freezing Max and creating an infinite loop where the entities would never parse.

* Utilities: New function in the WW Utilities menu to hide all displacement brushes.

* Script: New script in WallWormUtilities folder called "revertDX11toDX9Mat.ms". You can run this script in a scene to exchange the DX11 materials for the legacy DX9 format for displacements. This can be helpful for scenes created in 3ds Max 2014 but opened in older versions of Max that don't support the DX11 shaders.

* VMF Importer: Added code to change ESC characters in VMF to commas to make correct connections (outputs) in entities for mods like CSGO.

* VMF Importer: Updated the output value to strip Tabs that were incorrectly getting added to the entity output values.

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