CS:GO Map To 3Ds Max <-> Help Me Please

Started by MrAvalon, October 08, 2013, 06:12:53 AM

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I'm new here and new to Wall Worm.
I've a question, is it possible to decompile CS:GO map or anyhow import a complete CS:GO map to 3Ds Max or Maya for moviemaking purposes?
This is possible for CS:S maps as it can be decompiled by Nem's Tool Object Viewer/Crafty and export it as .obj format and import it to 3Ds Max.
I have tried using Hammer Editor and export the map as .vmf as it's the only supported format by Hammer.
But I can't get it to import to 3Ds Max.  :-\

Somehow, cs:go map won't export properly in Object Viewer (After I export it in Hammer Editor as .vmf and opened in Object Viewer)
Can Wall Worm achieve anything I've just said above?

I know how to decompile and export CS:GO models and import it to 3Ds Max, just the map. I need help for the map.

I'm VERY sorry for asking questions like this, it's really inappropriate. Please forgive me if I offended anyone.  :-[

PS : by CS:GO maps I meant maps like de_dust, inferno, nuke, dust2 and so on. Those default, classic competitive cs:go maps provided by Valve itself.

Since Wall Worm is capable of importing VMF format files, which means I can decompile the .bsp maps in csgo folder into .VMF format.
I have tried to import it to 3Ds Max, however, it always freezes my 3Ds Max and the memory usage keeps going up and up, 3Ds Max crashes.

Is it because I have not set the files properly? I have followed everything in this video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Yn7xiiyPSdU
I'm using 3Ds Max 2013, same freeze issue goes to my 3Ds Max 2012.

Could it possibly be my Material Generator List causing the freeze? I have not extract all my pak01_dir.vpk from GCFScape yet.
Do I just place the Material file to the Material Generator List?

Thank you very much for your time and help. 
Any help is appreciated.
My apologies if this is wrong


Please refer to the docs on this page.

As noted in the docs under the tip in Choose and Import file, the import can take a REALLY LONG TIME. For some of the levels I've been bringing in the import can take as long as an hour... which is on an I7 with 12GB RAM. But those levels are very insane with displacements.

Generally speaking, you can expect 3ds Max to appear to have frozen. But in reality, it is just chugging away. The reason is that the importer is written in MAXScript, which is notoriously slow for some kinds of things. What I do is hit import and then go make coffee or watch some news or play with my son :)

Having the incorrect or missing files in the Material Library Generator is not a factor in crashing the importer. WHat it means, though, is that the scene won't be able to create the materials on objects and/or calculate the correct UV scales and offsets. Also, if entities are important, you'll need to set the FGD for your game in the global settings before the import.


Sorry... I forgot to answer one more question about where to set the material library generator root.

Here is how it is set up on my system.

I have opened up the VPK/GCF for the mods I need materials.

I then unpack the materials folder from that VPK/GCF into a new folder on my hard drive called something like this:


Inside that will be all the various sub folders like Brick, Nature, etc, and in all those sub folders are the VMTs and VTFs.

I then use VTF Edit to batch convert all VTFs in the entire materials_css folder to TGA files.

Now I open the WW Material Library Generator and choose the root folder as C:\materials_css

If you have a different mod, you can make separate root folders. Unfortunately, at moment, the material generator root is not saved differently between WW setting presets.... so in case you switch mods using different materials, you have to reset the mat gen path. I will change that in the future.


Another note... which I've just been alerted to, is that entities with outputs are not importing correctly from CSGO. I'm looking into it. I believe it is that the outputs are stored in a format slightly different than in other versions of Source.


As it turns out, there was a critical bug in WW that could cause a hang that was not due to the VMF importer... but due to an error in the entity parser. That may have been the cause of your problem. Download the newer version of WW and see if your problem is solved.


Quote from: wallworm on October 08, 2013, 02:23:55 PM
As it turns out, there was a critical bug in WW that could cause a hang that was not due to the VMF importer... but due to an error in the entity parser. That may have been the cause of your problem. Download the newer version of WW and see if your problem is solved.

Hello Wall Worm  :)
The vmf importer works sometimes but it imports brushes or square boxes.
Does it even import models / mdl from inside the map (.vmf) file itself too?

Is it possible to import something like this? (This is counter strike:source map:de_dust2) (Exported from Nem's Tool Object Viewer .bsp to .obj file) (Imported the .obj file)
**this Object Viewer method doesn't work with cs:go, so I'm trying to find an alternative by using Wall Worm.

Thank you for your time and help Shawn.
God bless you and your family. :)


Yes, I've just spent the last couple weeks working specifically to allow this. Unfortunately, the importer cannot work on the MDL files. Instead, you must have the QC and MDL files of the scene props located inside the modelsrc folders. That is because I don't have a MDL importer, just a QC and SMD importer. So if you have access to the original SMD files or have them in the GCF/VPK, or want to decompile them, you can import your levels with the models.

I added a screen shot of some levels from Dear Esther to the VMF Importer page demonstrating this.

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